the brighton speed trials



On July 2nd our most classic speed trial fixture, that of the old-established Brighton and Hove M.C. along the Madeira Drive, Brighton, is due to take place. This year we may hope for better weather, in conjunction with the revised date, with sad memories of many shivery soakings on Brighton’-s breezy front.

The usual half-mile standing start course will be used, cars running in pairs. Really high speeds are reached at the finish. This time the event will be even more worth ‘attending than in past years.

The Morning will be occupied with the Club handicap class, and classes for standard sports-cars and for blown sports-cars, divided into capacity divisions. In the afternoon there are the racing classes, ladies’ class, the veteran class for pre-1915 cars, which should show the Lorraine, Itala, Fiat and Renault, amongst others, in thunderous action, and, as a contrast, a class for pre-1905 veteran cars which have taken part in a Brighton Run.

The racing classes are 850 c.c., 1,100 c.c., 1.500 c.c., 3,000 c.c. and unlimited. Entries closed on June 11th. Awards

include the Brighton Trophy for fastest car time and cash prizes.

The orgy of speed beside the ozone-laden briny is distinctly one of our better meetings. It clashes, it is true, with the J.C.C. Members’ Day at Brooklands, but in the past, it has similarly clashed with the M.C.C. Brooklands outing, and doubtless those who wish to operate racing machinery at Brighton will still contrive to drive a sports-car in the High Speed Trial in the morning. .There are excellent vantage points at Brighton for onlookers. Details from : S. W. Chandler,. 24, Market Street, Brighton.