


I enclose some snapshots of my ” hybrid ” which may be of interest to you. To my great surprise, it goes very well. The weight has turned out rather more than I anticipated but has given me a volume to weight ratio of almost exactly 1 c.c. per lb. Nothing has been done to the engine yet in the way of tuning, but I hope soon to be able to fit a low pressure supercharger. At present the engine peaks at 3,300 r.p.m., at a road speed of 75 m.p.h., and I have had 83 out of it (by corrected speedometer reading) in favourable circumstances. The engine used to attain 4,250 r.p.m. (as reported in the ” Motor ” in June, 1930), which would be equal to 97 m.p.h. odd. I don’t expect to get anything like this figure, as the total cost so far has been under 05 I By a very lucky chance, the load on each axle has come out almost

exactly equal. The car was weighed with the tank half empty, and the addition of three gallons of petrol was sufficient to bring the axle loads exactly alike, so that with a full tank and crew on board, the greater load is on the rear axle, and is ideal for trials. I am, Yours etc.,

ROBERT PEATY. Winchester,

Hants. * * *