

We notice in your article for the Coronation Trophy Race, in the May issue of MOTOR SPORT on page 200, the following words are included.

. . and shortly afterwards Mays retired with serious engine trouble and weakening brakes.”

This statement is strictly untrue in as much as he did not retire through engine trouble. We would point out that the official reason for the retirement was faulty brakes.

We feel surprised that you should see fit to give effect to an original statement the truth of which you obviously have taken no effort to substantiate, and in these circumstances we must ask you to insert a paragraph in your next issue repudiating this statement.

We should also like to point out that on page 227 under the heading of” Rumblings,” comparison is drawn between Seaman’s win on the Delage on the 200 miles last year, and Walker’s third place In the British Empire Trophy this year. Certainly Seaman’s average m.p.h. was higher, hut it is not fair to compare, as the 200-Mile Race was run on a perfectly fine day, and the Empire Trophy was run under shocking weather conditions. I am, Yours etc.,

English Racing Automobiles Ltd. H. W. Coca, Director. E.R.A . Ltd.,

Bourne, Lincs. [We apologise for the mistake, but we received the information from such a reliable source that its authenticity was never in doubt. We are glad to know that Mr. H. W. Cook takes such a keen interest in our paper.–Ed.]