

It has occurred to us at different times that it might be a good idea to reprint extracts from the considerable number of enthusiastic letters received from our owners. There is nothing novel about the idea—testimonials are, in fact, probably the oldest idea in advertising. We have refrained from doing so because, for one thing, it seems rather like beating our own drum, while again ” unsolicited testimonials ” are usually viewed with mistrust—sometimes with good reason. We think, however, the extracts themselves will convince readers of their genuineness and spontaneity—apart from the inclusion of the stock phrase that ” the originals may be inspected at any time.” It is obviously impossible to print more than a few extracts here, and because of this it has been difficult to make a

choice from so many equally enthusiastic letters. Our apologies are due for thrusting our owners’ opinions at you, but quite obviously they have no

axe to grind, and can, therefore, be relied upon. “The Frazer Nash is certainly all you claim it is—I have run the car 1,700 miles since delivery, and may I say they have been the most pleasant I have ever had

witha car.”

Nottingham. ” I can honestly think of no words to convey my praise the thing which strikes one immediately is the extremely th of the car—the performance is perfectly amazing, and fine way it is finished. Thank you again for turning out

such a fine job.”

Lieut , R.N., Portsmouth. ” For use in competitions, the Frazer Nash needs no testimonials and one from me would be of no value for I am a doctor, getting elderly, who uses the car regularly in his work and for long journeys. As to reliability and wearing qualities I can only say that the car was delivered in January, 1925 ; has never given any trouble or required any serious repair, and that it is now in all

real essentials as good as new. “As to its actual qualities to drive on the road, I can best praise them by the fact that I also own a well behaved large six-cylinder car, but definitely enjoy

driving the Frazer Nash more. “The second feature of the car is its extremely good

road-holding and stability. “The third feature is the steering—a very important one, I think, as steering is a weak point in most modern cars. The high-geared, dead accurate steering on my Frazer Nash is a delight, and, after all, one is always

steering ! ” To sum up my impressions—the Frazer Nash is not

only a very good car but one of unique character.”

Dover. “Thank you for so promptly sending the gasket, and for your letters answering my various queries. It is certainly a pleasure to deal with your Service Department, especially after my experiences with other


Birmingham. ” I must say that I have never gained so much confidence in a new car as I gained in the Nash in the first five


Eastbourne. ” The way in which the car stands up to fast work day in and day out in all weathers is a tribute to the huge margin of safety which is built into your cars. On Saturday I returned from Birmingham in so short a time that it seems impossible. While going up early in the morning I encountered many miles of iced roads, and the car was rock steady although travelling much

faster than other cars.”

Middloex. ” I will take this opportunity to thank you for all the trouble your firm have taken to get the car exactly to my liking, and I have felt at times that I was asking you too much. However, the excellent service you have given me has been thoroughly appreciated, and the

charges have been most reasonable.”

London. “I would like to thank you for your congratulations on the Land’s End. I am certainly getting great fun out of owning a Nash, and get more sport out of driving

one than any car I have had before.” “The new Nash is magnificent, and far exceeds my already great expectations. The steering is delightful while the lights are the best I have ever seen. Your interpretation of the specification is most generous many thanks. Please convey my best thanks to all

concerned in building the car.”

Devonport. “The promptitude with which you have dealt with my requests for information and the one or two things I have required recently has given me great satisfaction is a credit to all responsible at your Works, and in keeping with the splendid reputation and performance

of Frazer Nash cars.”
