Continental Notes and News, June 1934


Preparations for the Swiss G.P.

ALTHOUGH hill climbs have been very popular throughout Switzerland for many years, road races over a fixed circuit have seldom been held. This year, however, the Swiss A.C. has decided to hold the first Grand Prix of Switzerland, and has entrusted to the Bernese Section the task of organising the race, which will take place on August 26th.

Preparations have been in hand for some time to get the course in good condition, and in this the authorities were helped by the fact that motor-cycle races have been held there in the past. Permanent grandstands have now been constructed. The road runs through the Forest of Bremgarten, and the surface has been completely re-made. The old road ran through a village, but this has been avoided by means of a by-pass, making the length of the lap 7 km. 280.

Entries so far consist of Chiron and Varzi on Ferrari-owned Alfa-Romeos, with Moll or Trossi on a sister car. The Siena stable will be represented by Sofietti and Minozzi on Maseratis, Balestrero and Biondetti will appear for the Gruppo San Giorgio stable; Straight will be there with Hamilton on Maseratis, Ruesch and Maag will drive similar cars, and Earl Howe will drive another Maserati.

4 There will also be a race for 1,500 c.c. machines, and in this Earl Howe will pilot the Delage, which is now fitted with a Wilson self-changing gear-box. His chief opponent will be Hans Kessler on one of the new 1,500 c.c. Maseratis.

The prize money for both races is extremely generous, being 15,000, 10,000, 5,000 Swiss francs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the large race, and 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000 francs for the small cars.

The 48-Hours’ Record Broken Again.

The attention of French manufacturers seems to be riveted on the world’s 48 hours’ record. First of all the aerodynamically-streamlined 2 litre Hotchkiss broke the existing record of 94.40 m.p.h. (made by a 1,750 c.c. Alfa-Romeo) with a speed of 95.63 m.p.h. The drivers were Eyston and Denly.

A few weeks’ later a 4,800 c.c. Renault appeared at the track, and in the hands of Quatresous, Fromentin, Berthelou and Andre Wagner set up a new figure of 104.05 m.p.h., a very fine performance. Finally, on May 8th, a new 3ttackeiwas wheeled out at Montlhery, namely a 3,227 c.c. 6-cylinder Delahaye. The drivers were Albert Perrot. Marcel Dhome and Armand Girod, and the car was prepared tinder the guidance of M. Jean Francois. All went well for 15 hours, the car maintaining an average speed of about 112 m.p.h. Then came a misfortune which might have had a serious effect on the chances of the Delahaye beating the 48-hour record. The holding down bolts of the petrol tank shook loose, with the result that the fuel began to leak away rapidly. The only solution

was to make use of the small reserve tank, and this was done, but the car could only run for 55 minutes now instead of the three hours with the main tank. However, the frequent practice of filling up the reserve made the mechanics so quick that this was done regularly in 20 seconds. The rest of the run was uneventful, and the car completed the 48-hour run at an average speed of 107.685 m.p.h., handsomely beating the previous :figure. This encouraged those in charge of the car to continue the record attack, the objective this time being the 10,000 kilometres, previously held by Marchand’s Voisin at 91.9 m.p.h. This was at last taken with a speed of 105.3 m.p.h. Here is the full list of records :


4,000 miles 110.40 m.p.h. (Renault 105.59 m.p.h.). 5,000 miles 109.89 m.p.h. (Renault 104.05 tn.p.1L). 48 hours 109.54 m.p.h. (Renault 104.05 m.p.h.). 10,000 km. 104.72 m.p.h. (Voisin 91.41 m.p.h.).


12 hours 114.14 m.p.h. (Delage 112.09 m.p.h.). 3000 km. 111.65 m.p.h. (Renault 106.33 m.p.h.). 2,000 miles 111.63 m.p.h. (Renault 106.13 m.p.h.). 4,000 km. 111.40 m.p.h. (Renault 106.17 m.p.h.). 24 hours 111.35 m.p.h. (Renault 106.21 m.p.h.). 3,000 miles 110.86 m.p.h. (Renault 105.73 m.p.h.). 5,000 km. 110.81 m.p.h. (Renault 105.85 m.p.h.). 4,000 miles 110.40 m.p.h. (Renault 105.59 m.p.h.). 5,000 miles 109.89 m.p.h. (Renault 104.05 m.p.h.). 48 hours 109.54 m.p.h. (Renault 104.05 m.p.h.), 10,000 km. 104.72 m.p.h. (Austin 84.28 m.p.h.).

Dunlop tyres were used for the run, and gave complete satisfaction.

Some More Stables.

The system of several drivers getting together and pooling their resources seems to be a popular one, for several new” stables “have recently been formed. The first is in Paris, and is known by

the title of “Ecurie Cazaux. ” It is headed by Robert Cazaux, the owner of a 2.3-litre Bugatti, which has been seen at the Chiteau Thierry hill climb, and other French events. The remaining cars are a 1,500 c.c. blown Bugatti, owned by Cesure and a 2-litre Bugatti, which is the property of Roumani. In Spain the two drivers Conde de Villapadicona, and Joaquin Palacios, have teamed up for the racing season. The cars at their disposal are two monoposto

.Maseratis and an Alfa-Romeo. They intend to take part in road-races in France, Spain and North Africa.

From Italy comes news of the ” Gruppe G2novese.” This is a larger affair than the other two, the drivers being Luigi Beccaria, Attilio Batilana, Raffaele Toti, Pietro Cattaneo, and Guglielmo. The cars of the stud are two Alfa-Romeo 2,300 c.c., 2-seaters, two Alfa-Romeo 4-seaters, one 2-litre Alfa, a Maserati, and an M.G.

Herr Fritsch Injured.

Organiser of the race meetings at the Nurburg Ring, and Vice-President of the German Automibile Club, Herr Fritsch is well-known to all followers of motorracing. I am sorry to report that he has recently met with a serious accident while motoring on the Avus Road. Herr Fritsch suffered a fractured skull, which necessitated the trepanning operation being carried out. While I write comes the news that his condition is still serious.

Three More Races Cancelled.

To the growing list of races which will not be held this year must be added the Grand Prix de la Baule, the . French “Southport,” the Grand Prix of Budapest, and the Grand Prix of Lwow. The

organisers of the Nice Grand Prix, however, are of the opinion that ” it’s an ill wind,” for their race is fixed for the same day as the cancelled La Balite G.P., which would have unavoidably entailed a clashing of entries. The Nice race by the way, will be run over 100 laps, giving a total distance of 321 km. 400.

Chiron’s Busy Month.

Louis Chiron does not believe in doing things by halves. In the month of July his engagements are as follows :-1st, Grand Prix de l’A.C.F., at Montlhery ; 8th, Grand Prix de la Marne at Rheims ; 15th, Grand Prix of Germany, at Nurburg Ring ; 22nd, Grand Prix of Dieppe ; 29th, Grand Prix of Belgium, at Spa. Well, well

German Driver Killed.

Charlie Jellen, the German racing driver, was killed last month while practising. on the road near Ingoldstadt He overturned on a corner and died from a fractured skull.

Twenty-five years of age. Jellen was born at Graz, afterwards living at Munich. He Made his racing debut on a Bugatti, but last year he bought a Monza-type Alfa-Romeo, with which he raced in the Nice Grand Prix. Probably the best performance of his career was when he finished second in the 3-litre Sports class at the Klausen hill climb behind the great Nuvolari. In the Avus Grand Prix last year he was fourth behind Varzi, Ciaikowski, Nuvolari and Borzacchini.

Von Stuck and Benoist to Attack Montihery Lap Record.

I am able to announce that in the near future, an attempt will be made by Robert Benoist to beat Mrs. G. M. Sthwart’s lap record of Montlhery track. Benoist will drive a 4.9 litre Bugatti,. and he has hopes of raising the record, which now stands at 145.9 m.p.h., to the region of 150 m.p.h. Another Contender for the honour is Hans von Stuck, who recently visited the track for the first time. His car will be the Auto Union.

A Bugatti Recruit. The name of V. Marret has appeared regularly for the past few years in the programmes of various small French races and hill climbs. His mounts have been a Salmson and a Miller. Now he has ”

graduated” to a larger car, and with the 2.3 litre Bugatti he has just acquired he hopes to compete in many events this summer.

Death of Georges Mahe.

Last month marked the death of a man well known in French motoring circles, Georges Sizaire. In partnership with his brother Maurice, Georges Sizaire was responsible for the Sizaire-Naudin. and Sizaire-Bzrwick cars, and he was a pioneer in the design of independentspringing. He was equally famed for his racing performances; having competed in the French Grand Prix, the Targa Florio, and the Circuit of Dieppe among others.

The Invalids. I am glad to say that Nuvolari is making good progress towards recovery after his accident in the Grand Prix Bordino. He

is convalescing at his home at an-gamo, and although his broken leg is still in plaster, no complications are feared. It is unlikely that he will be seen at the wheel for two or three months, although he has been cherishing a desire to take part in the Avus race with the 16-cylinder Mas2rati. His health has not been improved by a good deal of worry about his son, who has been seriously ill. Tarufli, who had a sensational crash when leading the field in the Tripoli Grand Prix, is: still in hospital. He has been found to have five ribs broken, to say nothing of an injured arm, so that his prospects of racing again this season are none too bright. With Nuvolari also hors de combat, the Maserati factory has lost two of its best exponents,

The Nacional Pescara in Action.

After an absence from hill climbing for two years, the _Nacional Pescara car was seen in action last month at three small French events. In the Val de Cuech hill climb the Spanish car was beaten by j. Holland’s Bugatti; a few days later it fared better at the. Alpilles hill climb, but did not beat the record for the hill. Three days later at the Mont Faron hill climb, the Nacional Pescara was again successful, this time beating the existing record for the hill.

Writing of the Val de. Cuech hill climb reminds me that a monument has been erected there in memory of Toselli and his mechanic Jacques Pelletrau, both of whom were killed while practising for the climb last year.

An Impressive Ceremony.

The unveiling of the monument in memory of Guy BOuriat and Louis Trintignant was one of the most impressive of its kind ever carried out in Motor racing history. A large attendance of mourners gathered at the Mons-en-Chaussee corner which is the site of the monument, and a mass was said in the open air. Then speeches were made and many wreaths placed On the stone. While this was going on an aero

plane circled overhead at a km attitude, the pilot dropping a wreath near the memorial. It was Michel Dore, and he was followed by members of the Aero Club de Peronne.

A Dead-Heat After 24 Hours

At the end of 24 hours single-handed driving in the Forest of St. Germain, two ears dead-heated for first place in the Bol d’Or on May 20th and 21st. They were an M.G. Midget, driven by MaillardBrune, and a special car, the Chevalier, in the hands of its constructor.

• The race is open to cars of various capacities, divided into classes, with the premier award going to the car which covers the greatest distance, irrespective Of class, The 13o1 d’Or is famed for attracting the home-made cycle-car, and many of the drivers put to the test the hopes and hard work of a year in this way. By the rules of the race one driver has to be at the .wheel for the whole of the 24 hours, so that the strain on physical endurance is considerable.

The start was given at 6 o’clock, 36 cars coming to the line. From the very beginning the pace was fast, and this Caused a good many retirements. Among the noted drivers to withdraw was Arthur Duray, whose Amilcar was strongly fancied to win.

For some time the lead was held by Blot on an 1,100 c.c. Amilcar. In fact all through the night, and for threequarters of the race, Blot was ahead, until mechanical trouble forced him out. His place was taken by Lemattre, on an 1,100 c.c. E.H.P., but the latter did not taste the fruits of leadership for long, being passed by POulain on another Amilcar. Three hours before the finish Pou lain had to retire, and Chevallier went into the lead with his Chevallier racing car. The race looked safe for Chevallier when, thirteen minutes before the end, he failed to pass the pits. Consternation

immediately reigned, and the news came through that his car had stopped on the far side of the course with a broken valve.

The situation now assumed a most interesting complexion. Maillard-Brune with his M.G. Midget was gradually reducing the distance between his car and the stranded Chevallier. Three minutes before the 24 hours were completed he set out on the extra lap which would place him clearly ahead of his rival. By the rules of the race he had to get one whole lap in front if he were to be pronounced the victor. The seconds ticked by, and the spectators waited in tense excitement. But Maillard-Brune just failed to do it, and crossed the line 10 seconds after the 24 hours were over. Thus the race was declared a dead heat between Chevallier (Chevallier) and Maillard-Brune (M.G.) these two being on the same lap at the expiration of the time limit.


Cyciecar 500 c.c.

1. Berthelon (Renaud), 1,212 krns. 200..

2. R. Cohn (Colin), 1,065 kms. 900. Racing 750 c.c.

1. Maillard-Brune (M.G.), 1,814 kms. 120.

2. Menet (Amilcar), 1,705 kms. 440. Rating 1,100 c.c.

I. Chevallier (Chevallier), 1,814 kms. 120. 2. Alexis (A.R.8), 1,730 kms. 520.

3. Vioiette Morris (VA.), 1,676 kms. 180.

4. Poulain (Amilcar), 1,642 kms. 740.

5. Delpech (Amilcar), 1,504 kms. 800. Sports 500 c.c. 1. R. Colin (Colin), 1,153 kms. 680. Sports 1,100 c.c. •

1. Lemaltre (E.H.P.), 1,801 kms. 580.

2. Poire (Minicar), 1,479 kms. 720.

Austin Records at Montihery.

The Yacco Oil Company are renowned in France for their long-distance record runs, and last month they chose for the first time a British car for the purpose. This was a 3,400 c.c. Austin, and it was driven in turn by Cesar Marchand, Fortin, de Presale and Bodecot. Although rain fell for a good part of the time, the Austin maintained a steady average speed of 84 m.p.h., for 12 days and nights, the car running with the utmost regularity, and never giving a hint of trouble. At the end of that period the car had taken 10 world’s records and 22 Class C records, as follow :

World’s Records and Class C Records.

20,000 miles, 83.67 m.p.h. (Voisin, 82.74 m.p.h.). 25,000 miles, 84.14 m.p.h. (Citroen, 77.66 m.p.h.). 30,000 kms., 84.37 m.p.h. (Voisin, 82.97 m.p.h.). 35,000 kms., 83.86 m.p.h. (Citroen, 77.42 m.p.h.). 40,000 kms., 84.13 mih. (Citroen, 77.65 m.p.h.).

8 days, 84.11 m.p.h. Voisin, 83.65 m.p.h.).

9 days, 84.32 m.p.h. Voisin, 82.83 m.p.h.).

10 days, 83.68 m.p.h. (Voisin, 82.76 m.p.h.).

11 days, 83.90 m.p.h. (Citroen, 77,83 m.p.h.).

12 days, 84.07 m.p.h. (Citroen, 77.50 m.p.h.).

Class C Records Only.

10,000 kms. 84.28 m.p.h. (Ford, 77.73 m.p.h.). 10,000 miles, 83.03 m.p.h. (Ford, 78.01 m.p.h.). 15,000 lulls., 84.61 m.p.h. (Ford, 78.06 m.p.h.). 15,000 miles, 83.97 m.p.h.11-lotelikiss, 68.91 m.p.h.). 20,000 kms., 83.57 m.p.h. Ford, 78.08 m.p.h.).

25,000 knis., 84.06 (i otchkiss, 68.99 m.p.h.).

3 days, 84.24 m.p.h.(Ford, 77.57 m.p.h.).

4 days, 84,58 m.p.h. Ford, 77.90 m.p.h.).

5 days, 83.00 m.p.h. (Ford, 78.05 m.p.h.).

6 days, 83.48 m.p.h. (Ford, 78.03 m.p.h.).

7 days, 83.87 m.p.h. (Ford, 78.05 m.p.h.).

The Panhardlin Great Form.

That wonderful old car, the 8 cylinder sleeve-valve Panhard et Levassor, was in action for a short time at Montlhery last month, and in the space of six hours collected six world’s records and six Class B records. The drivers were G. E. T. Eyston, famous ” recordrnan,” and Dudley Froy, who was making his first official drive in the Panhard. The records taken belonged previously to the NapierRailton and the Pierce-Arrow. Dunlop tyres and Castrol oil played their effective part in the record run, and the speeds maintained were extraordinary high, as will be seen from the following list of the records :

World’s Records.

200 miles, 128.07 m.p.h. (Napier-Railton, 126.44 m.p.h.) 500 km., 126.04 m.p.h. (Pierce-Arrow, 124.00 m.p.h.). 3 hours, 126.22 m.p.h. (Napier-Railton, 124.33 m.p.h.). 500 miles, 126.45 m.p.h. (Pierce-Arrow, 124.05 m.p.h.). 1,000 kms., 125.15 m.p.h. (Napier-Railton, 122.82


6 hours, 124.82 m.p.h. (Napier-Railton, 123.01 m.p.h.).

The Disastrous Accident at Fontainbleau.

One of those terrible accidents which sometimes occur in motor-racing actually befell during the hill climb at Fontainbleau on May 13th. A good entry had been received, including Marcel, Roumani, Cesur, Cazaux and Eric Lora and everything pointed to the meeting being a great success.

Then came the tragedy, Eric Lora (whose real name was Cochin, a naval officer stationed at Marseilles-Marignane), was nearing the finishing line with his 2-litre Bugatti when a dog strayed on to the road. Several spectators tried to attract the attention of the driver, with the result that the latter applied his brakes fiercely. The Bugatti immediately took charge, skidding into the crowd who lined the very verge of the road. Having knocked down 11 people, killing 6 and seriously injuring 5 more, the car came up against a tree. Lora himself died soon after his admission to hospital, and the meeting was immediately abandoned.

Bugatti Victories in G.P. des Frontieres.

The Grand Prix des Frontieres is organised every year by the A.M.C. de Chimay. It consists of a day’s racing for cars and motor-cycles, there being three classes for the former. The length of the lap is 10 km. 870. Last year, it will be remembered, Penn-Hughes finished second in the larger class on a 2.3 litre Alfa-Romeo. This year the race was run on May 20th, and for some reason failed to attract any first-rank drivers. Here are the full results of the three races :

1,100 c.c. (Distance 54 miles), 1, Rouleau (Amilcar), 64.73 m.p.h.; 2, des Ormes (Ainilcar), 3, Chevallier (Rally).

7,000 c.c. (Distance 105 miles). 1, Sojka (Bugatti), 71,98 m.p.h. ; 2, Porter (Bugatti) ; 3, Borowski (Bugatti).

Unlimited (Distance 105 miles). 1, Congue,ssi (Bugatti), 73.72 m.p.h.

Varzi Wins the Targa Florio tor the Fourth Time.

In spite of the definite announcement that the Targa Florio would not take place this year, the race was actually held on May 20th, as originally arranged. Considering the belated organisation an excellent entry was received, headed by the famous ” ace ” Achille Varzi, driving one of the Ferrari-owned 3 litre Alfa Romeos.

The present Madonie circuit measures 108 kilometres, the total distance being four laps, or 432 kilometres. On May 20th, drenching rain fell throughout the day, and this had the effect of preventing record speeds being made on the difficult mountain road. In actual fact Varzi’s speed was about 10 k.p.h., slower than the record for the race. He led easily from start to finish, being 13 minutes ahead of Barbieri at the end.

Full Result

1. Varzi (Alfa-Romeo 3,000 c.c.), 69.22 k.p.h., 6h. 14m. 26.8s.

2. Barbieri (Alfa-Rozuco 2,600 c.c.), 6h. 27m. 14.2s.

3. Magistri (Alfa-Romeo 1,500 c.c.), 611. 40m. 2.6s.

4. Balestrero (Alfa-Romeo 2,600 c.c.), 6h. 45m. 43s.

5. Pages (Alfa-Romeo 2,300 c.c.), 6h. 49m. 28s.

6. Ghersi (Alfa-Romeo 2,600 c.c.), 6h. 49m. 32s.

7. Fiorello (Alfa-Romeo 1,750 c.c.), 6h. 54m. 12s.