Club news, June 1934


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The Grand Cup Trial, held on Saturday May 5th, attracted an entry of 27 cars, of whom 23 were starters. The start took place at Ripley and the fu-st observed hill to be encountered was Blind Lane, near Thursley. Most people got up quite easily, but W. Drake (Riley) and P. B. Henderson (A.C.) both lost marks.

Through Hazlemere and Liphook the competitors next came to the Special Test on Scotland Hill. Drake was again penalised here, as were L. Audigier (Riley) and R. F. Fraser (Triumph). Audigier then proceeded to lose his way with the result that he lost another 14 marks before reaching the finish. Fastest time of all in the Special Test was made by A. C. B. Bennett (Vauxhall) in 22 seconds, with J. A. Robinson (Lancia) second in 26 seconds. Other who got below 30 seconds were E. F. M. Ryde (Wolseley), A. Powys-Lybbe (Alvis), T. H. Winterborn (Alvis), G. May (Alvis), F. R. Samuel (Lancia), P. B. Henderson (A.G.), A. D. Taylor (Riley), A. P. Squire (M.G.) and W. R. Falconer (M.G.). Oakshott Hill was not too easy, and the luckless Drake was again among the failures ; the others were A. Powys-Lybbe (Alvis), T. H. Winterborn (Alvis), G. May (Alvis) and R. F. Fraser (Triumph).

A Restart Test was held on Old Stonor, and all competitors got through within the specified time with the exception of G. May (Alvis), T. H. Winterborn (Alvis), E. F. Jones (M.G.) and R. F. Fraser (Triumph). Fastest time was made by A. P. Squire (M.G. Midget) in 1.6 seconds. A. C. Fairtlough (A.C.) and W. R. Falconer (M.G. Midget) shared second place in 2 seconds dead.

Steep Hill was divided into two sections. Both were difficult, and proved too much for F. A. Thatcher (Singer), W. Drake (Riley), P. B. Henderson (A.C.), A. P. Squire (M.G.), R.. F. Fraser (Triumph) and E. E. Jones (M.G.). Other stoppages on the first section were C. G. Fitt (M.G.), and W. R. Falconer (M.G.), while Part Two also accounted for G. May (Alvis).

Back through Petersfield and Liphook came the cars to Whitmore Valley Hill, where 3. Stewart (Lancia) lost his first marks and R. F. Fraser (Triumph) and E. E. Jones (M.G.) added to their considerable scores. And so to the Huts Hotel, Hindhead, and the end of an enjoyable, well-organised trial.

R ESU LTS. C. 13. Bennett

Sopwith Cup.—A. C. 13. Bennett (Vauxhall). . Runner-Up.—J. A. Robinson (Lancia).

Tankards (100 marks).—E. F. M. Ryde (Wolseley), A. C. Fairtlough (A.G.), R. C. Porter (Riley), A. R. Samuel (Lancia), R. H. Massey (A.A. Special), A. 1). Taylor (Riley), T. A. Law (Riley), M. Pinker (Singer).

Other Finishers.—C. G. Fitt (M.G.), F. A. Thatcher (Singer), W. Drake (Riley), A. Powys-Lybbe (Alvis), T. H. Winterborn (Alvis), G. May (Alvis), J. Stewart (Lancia), P. 13. Henderson (A.C.), L. Audigier (Riley), A. P. Squire (M.G.), W. R. Falconer (M.G.), R. P. Fraser (Triumph), E. E. Jones (M.G.).


As a souvenir of the first year of its existence, the Club has produced a most attractive booklet dealing fully with all the events that have taken place during that time. In addition there are pages written by the President, Mr. J. Kingston Whittaker ; the Secretary, Mr. W. Harral Hudson, and another page by the same gentleman in his capacity of Treasurer. A page of photographs has been cleverly inserted in the centre of the booklet, and altogether it is a fine example of enthusiasm on the part of those responsible for its production.

Supplies of this brochure are obtainable by non-members who comply with the following conditions : (1) they must be resident in Yorkshire ; (2) they must state the make and model of the car they run, and (s) they must enclose 3d. in stamps to cover distribution costs.

The Secretary of the Club is Mr. W. Harral Hudson, Avenue House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.


Supplementary Regulations for the Fourth British Relay Race are now to hand. The event will take place at Brooklands on July 21st, and is only open to cars of under 1,500 c.c. capacity. The teams of three cars have to run 90 laps in all, each car covering 30.,. If, however, mechanical trouble should be encountered the driver can “hand over” to the next man who has to cover the remaining laps in addition to his own 30.

It is worth noting that the entry fees are extremely reasonable, being £2 2s. per car (provided that the entrant is a Club member). Single drivers who would like to enter, but who cannot form a complete team, should get in touch with the Secretary, Mr. Harold Jones, of 22, Basinghall Street, London, E.C. 7, who will probably be able to fix them into a team.


Lagonda owners are renowned for their enthusiasm, as those who used to attend the Rallies at Brooklands will well remember. Nowadays the Weybridge track is not available for affairs of this description, and so aerodromes are in favour among organisers. The second Lagonda Rally this year was held at Hanworth Aerodrome on Saturday, May 12th, and proved well up to standard. After the usual competition for the car travelling the longest distance to the Rally (won by T. Coley on a 16/ 80 h.p. saloon), gymkhana events were held for the rest of the afternoon, starting with the time-honoured potato race, which calls for such close co-operation

between driver and passenger. This was won by P. J. Field Richards (3 litre Lagonda).

The next event caused much amusement—and in some cases consternation. Passengers (female, by order throughout the programme), had to sprint to a row of glasses of lemonade ; consume same through a straw as expeditiously as possible ; run back to their cars ; be driven 50 yards to a balloon which had to be burst by mouth-blowing ; and then be driven 70 yards to the finishing line. This complicated series of evolutions was won by P. F. Pritchard, driving a blown 2-litre Lagonda.

” Musical chairs” concluded the programme, and after much rushing about from bucket to bucket the winner was found to be F. J. Stephenson, assisted by his passenger and a very beautiful ” four-and-a-half.”

“Your Secretary Mr. Vokes,” and Major W. H. Oates are to be congratulated on organising a most enjoyable afternoon’s sport.


North Wales was the locality chosen for the Women’s Trial held on Saturday, May 12th. There were 25 starters, divided into eight teams, and the start took place at the Hand Hotel, Llangollen, amid beautiful weather.

After a quiet detour of 13 miles, the first hill was encountered, Allt-y-Bady, which proved to be in rough condition, owing to the recent activities of Army tractors. Only three cars failed to ascend unaided, while the rest made good climbs. A brake-test near Maentwrog resulted in fastest time being made by Mrs. K. Petre, driving R. J. W. Appleton’s Riley. Miss Doreen Evans (M.G. Midget) was 2/5ths second slower, while Miss Astbury (Singer) and Miss Blathwayt (M.G. Midget) tied for third place in 8 4/5 seconds.

Lunch at David’s Hotel, Harlech, was a prelude to the real business of the day, the difficult ascent of Urry’s Pet. The gradient is really fierce, and a stream running down past the corner does not help matters. Good driving was displayed by the majority of competitors, among them being Miss Daniell (Wolseley Hornet), who was the first to come up, Mrs. Petre (Riley), Miss Milne (Singer) and Mrs. Stanton (Riley). Miss Bean got stuck good and firm on the rocks and her Singer had to be lifted by no fewer than 13 men before it could be moved. Miss Richardson (Singer) made fastest time in the restart test on Roman Steps, covering 20 yards in 7 seconds. The remaining hills, Pandy Hill near Dolgelly, and Cader Idris, were not troublesome. As usual, Mrs. Goold’s organisation was

perfect. RESULTS.


Countess Howe Team Trophy.—Mrs. Vaughan (Standard), Miss Daniell (Wolseley Hornet), mks Bean (Singer). Firitt-Class Awants.—Miss Daniell (Hornet), Miss Wild (Ford), Miss Blathwayt (M.G.), Miss Champney,

Miss Hobbs, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Legsley (Rileys), Miss Astbury, Miss Richardson (Singers), Miss Marshall (G.N.).


Last year the Inter-Club Team Trial was somewhat disappointing, • the entry being confined to a handful of teams. This year, however, no fewer than 23 entries of three cars each were received, and the stage was set for a trial which would finally decide the best’ club.

The Buxton district was the scene of the event, and soon after leaving the town the first test was held at Burbage Edge, near the famous “Cat and Fiddle.” A most original series of evolutions had to be carried out over an artificial S-bend up a gradient of 1 in 15. The three cars of each team were lined up, and on the word ” Go I” the first man had to accelerate as fast as possible through the bend, reverse round a pylon and dash back, handing over a baton to the next man, who proceeded to do the same thing. As it happened, the standard of driving was distinctly poor, with the result that times were bad in most cases. Fastest of all was the Singer M.C. ” A ” team, consisting of 11 litre Le Mans models driven by J. D. Barnes, J. R. H. Baker and A. H. Langley. Their time was 2 min. 10.6 secs. Next came the Singer C.C. ” A ” team with a time of 2 mm. 11.2 secs. There were two ” Nines ” and

a” 1 litre,” handled by J. A. M. Patrick, F. R. G. Spikins, and C. B. Goodman.

Blackermill is a curious hill. Sometimes it is so easy that no one stops at all ; at other times, as for instance on May 5th, when it rained during the morning, car after car comes miserably. to a standstill. With Blackermill in such a state one would have thought that Litton Slack would have been almost insurmountable. In actual fact, however, quite a lot of people climbed the latter who had failed on Blackermill.

The organisers were bent on making the trial as difficult as possible, and a restart test on Putwell Hill scored a record by failing every competitor save A. E. Haim (M.G. Midget), of the West Hants L.C.C. Finally Cow Low, that winding grass track which can be impossible when wet, was included in the programme, but caused less difficulty than was expected.

The Palace Hotel saw much talk that night about adventures and triumphs of the trial, and the results were eagerly awaited. Then it was announced that the M.G. Car Club ” A” team were the winners, having lost only 7 marks. The runners-up were the West Hants L.C.C. ” A ” team, with the Brighton and Hove M.C. ” A ” team third. Here are the full details :

The ” Autocar ” Trophy.-M.G. Car Club “A,” 7 marks, lost.-J. M. Tomlin (M.G. 847 c.c.), 5 marks ; J. A. 13astock (M.(.. 847 c.c.), 1 mark ; R. A. Macderrnid (M.G. 847 c.c.), I mark.

Runners-Up.-West Hants L.C.C. “A,” 13 marks lost.-E. H. Banfield (M.G. 1,250 c.c.), 11 marks ; A. L. Hann (M.G. 847 c.c.), marks ; j, L. Tulle (M.G. 1,250 c.c.), 2 marks. Third Team.-13ri5ht01k and Hove M.G. “A,” 17 marks.-W. E. Chandler (Morris 847 c.c.), 3 marks ;

M. H. Lawson (Singer 972 c.c.), 11 marks ; R. J. W. Appleton (Singer 972 c.c.), 3 marks.


There is an attraction about the Lewes Speed Trials which has not a little to do with the easy-going atmosphere which

characterises these events. There is plenty of room for the spectators, they can see all that is going on, and cars accelerate up the half-mile course without any tiresome delays. A splendid entry of over 100 had been received for the opening meeting on

May 12th, and a large crowd collected to enjoy a good afternoon’s sport on the Race Hill. The sun shone with midsummer strength, and the meeting, as a whole, was a huge success. A S. Whiddington (Alvis Firefly) was the first man to speed up the road, his time being 37 seconds dead. Fastest time in this class, for unlimited touring cars, was made by M. A. Benachi (Bugatti 3.3. saloon) in 31.4 secs., beating an 8 litre

Bentley, a 41 Invicta and a Speed 20 Alvis. Then followed a special class for M.G.s of all descriptions, the winner being E. H. GehIcken on a Mon tlhery Midget with a time of 31.4 secs. The ” Hornet Class” went to F. S. Hutchens in 32.2 secs.,

N. E. Bracey coming second in 34.4 secs. Gelchken met his match in the super sports 1,100 c.c. class, being third to

F. R. G. Spikins (Singer) and J. A. Driskell (B.N.C.). Spikins drove extraordinarily well, and his time of 30 seconds dead was one of the ” highspots ” of the day. The class for Standard Sports Cars up to 1,500 c.c. provided some interesting

comparisons, and the winner was S. E. Cummings with his Frazer Nash, time 28.4 secs. The “Chain Gang” had it

all their own way, H. D. Inderwick being second and H. P. Dawborn third. Cummings repeated his success in the Super Sports Division. They came the most popular class (so far as number of entries is concerned) of the meeting, for unlimited super sports cars. There were Bugattis of all sorts, Bentleys, Vauxhall 30/98’s, Alfa-Romeos, ” Mercs,” and others, so that the job of picking the winner would be a difficult one indeed. One after another driver’s

came to the line, flogged their cars up through the gears and roared over the finishing line. Fastest of all was F. Lycett with his 8 litre Bentley, which covered the course in 25.2 secs. Second was Urlwin Smith (41 litre Invicta), and another 8 litre Bentley in the hands of

L. Sandford came third.

Of the Racing Classes, G. E. W. Oliver won the 1,100 c.c. class in a Morgan, his time of 27.6 secs. being extremely good. But no real speed had as yet been seen, and it was left to the record-holder, R. G. J. Nash, to bring those spectators who were basking in the sun and taking a mild interest in the proceedings, to a pitch of excited enthusiasm. “The Spook” was in fair form, when it could be induced to start, and Nash’s first run was done in 22.4 secs. Second in the class was F. R. G. Spikins, who made an astonishing performance with his unblown Le Mans Singer in 28.4 secs.

The 2,000 c.c. class provided the first public appearance of the new Bolster Special ” 16.” J. V. Bolster was the only starter, and his time of 23.2 secs. earned for him the second fastest time of the day. His progress was lurid in the extreme, and for sheer thrills was the event of the day. The new ” Mary ” has two motor-cycle engines, both driven on one wheel (!)

Dick Nash carried off the Unlimited Class in 24.2 secs. from Sandford’s Bentley, and the Handicap Class went to Alan Bainton’s 2.3 litre Bugatti. From the competitors’ point of view the awards were splendid, being actually more numerous and better than those advertised in the programme, silver cups, silver medals and bronze medals being available in profusion. Mr. H. V. Warren is to be congratulated on organising Speed Trials which are models of their kind :


Class 1 (Touring Cars, unlimited).-Silver Medal : M. A. Benachi (3,300 Bugatti saloon), 31.4s. Bronze Medals : John Biro (3,300 Bugatti), 31.8s.; C. M. Needham (S.S.I.), 32.3s.

Class 2 (M. G. Midget, Magna or Magnette).-Bronze Medal : E. H. Gehlcken (Montibery Midget), 31.4s.

Class 3 (Wolseiey Hornets).-Bronze Medal : F. S. Hutchens, 32.2s. Class 4 Super Sports Cars up to 1,100 c.c.).-Silver Medal : 1-. R. G. Spikins (Singer Le Mans), 29.4s. Bronze Medals : J. A. Driskell (1,098 &N.C.), 29.6s. ;

E. H. GehIcken (Montlf.ery Midget), 31.4s. Class 5 (Standard Sporting Cars up to 1,500 c.c.)Silver Cup : S. E. Cummings (1,496 Frazer-Nash),

28.4s. Silver Medal : H. D. Inderwick (1,496 FrazerNash), 30s. Bronze Medals : H. P. Dawborn” (1,496 Frazer-Nash), 30.6s.; A. S. Whiddington (Alvis Firefly), 31.8s.

Class 6.-(Sporting Cars up to 2,000 c.c.).-Bronze Medal : H. P. Dawborn (1,496 Frazer-Nash), 29.2s.

Class 7.-(Super Sporting Cars up to 1,500 cc,).Silver Medal : S. E. Cummings (1,496 Frazer-Nash), 28.4s. Bronze Medals : G. E. W. Oliver (1,096 Morgan), 28.6s.; F. R. G. Spikins (Le Mans Singer), 29.4s. Class 8 (Super Sporting Cars, unlimited).-Silver Cup : F. Lycett (8-litre Bentley), 25.2s, Silver Medals: (irwin Smith (41-litre Invicta), 26.8s. ; L.Sandford 8 litre Bentley), 27.4s. Bronze Medals : G. E. W. Oliver (1,096 Morgan), 28.0 sees.; S. E. Cummings (1,496 Frazer-Nash), 28.2s, Class 9 (Racing Cars up to 1,100 c.c.).-Silver Medal :

G. E. W. Oliver (1,096 Morgan), 26.2s. Bronze Medals J. W. T. Rayues (1,089 Riley), 27.8s. ; F. R. G. Spikins (Le Mans Singer), 28.4s. Class 10 (Racing Cars up to 1,500 c.c.).-Silver Medal : R. G. J. Nash (1,496 Anzani-Nash), 22.4s. Bronze Medals : F. R. G. Spikins (Le Mans Singer), 26.2s. ; J. A. Driskell (1,098 13-N.C.), 29.4s,

Class 11 (Racing Cars up to 2,000 c.c.).-Silver Medal : J. V. Bolster (1,962 Bolster Special), 23.2s. Class 12 (Racing Cars, unlimited).-Silver Cup : R. G. J. Nash (1,496 Anzani-Nash), 24.2s. Silver

Medal : L. Sandford (8 litre Bentley), 25.8.3. Bronze Medals : Major A. T. 0. Gardner (2,336 Alfa-Romeo),. 27s.; A. G. tainton (2,261 Bugatti), 29.4s. Class 13 (Handicap Class).-Silver Cups : A. G. F3ainton (2,261 Bugatti), handicap 8.8s., net time 21s. ; F. Lycett (8 litre Bentley), handicap 2.8s., net time 21.2s. Silver Medals : R. J. G. Nash (1,496 Anzani

Nash), scratch, net time 21.4s.; A. S. Whittington (Alvis Firefly), handicap 9.4s., net time 21.6s. Bronze Medal : L. Sandford (8 litre Bentley), handicap 4.4s., net time 22s.


The Spring Trial, held on May 6th, was not favoured by brilliant weather, but the rain held off all day and so things might have been a good deal worse.

There were 49 starters out of an entry of 53, and the start was given at the “George and Dragon,” Marlow. The hills were in easy condition, and Marlow Bottom, Shillingridge Wood and Maiden’s Grove all give little trouble. The restart test on Lew Knot, however, weeded people out a little, and 23 cars failed to retain clean scores. The trial included an excellent speed test at Middle Culham Farm, near Henley, consisting of a slight gradient and one acute bend. Here the fastest times were made by R. Yager (Talbot 105) in 31 secs., G. T. Dicks (Aero Morgan) 32.2 secs., and W. J. B. Richardson (Singer Le Mans) 32.4 secs. The finish was at the ” Royal Saracens Head,” Beaconsfield, but first of all the competitors had to negotiate a 30 mile route-finding contest :-

RESULTS. H. Dimond

Premier Awards.—E. H. Dimond (M.G. J.2), 1). Maclean (M.G. Magna), Miss P. Blathwayte (M.G. Midget), J. H. Hibbitt (M.G. J.2), and W. J. B. Richardson (Singer Le Mans). Second-class Awards.—D. Loader (Singer Le Mans), B. R. Leake (B.S.A.), H. R. Euston (Aero Morgan),

C. V. Wells (Singer Le Mans), W. B. M. Fraser (M.G. Magna), H. M. L. Williams (Wolseley Hornet), A. Negal (Morris Major), J. A. Driskell (B.N.C.). Third-class Awards.—H. H. F. Barns (B.S.A.), J. L. Fraser (M.G.), H. G. Conway (Ulster Austin), C. S. Parrott (Singer Le Mans), N. W. Mears (Singer Le Mans), G. Osborne (Salmson), F. M. Shepherd (Singer), I. F. Syme (Singer), H. J. Craxford (Morris Minor),

H. B. Collie (Delage), Mrs. ‘Vaughan.(Standard), and T. Tubbs (M.G.).

Team Prize.—The Great West M.C. No. 4 team (E. H. Dimond, 1). Maclean and J. H, Hibbitt, all driving M.G.$).


The activities for the season of the above Club are as follows :— June 3.—Captain’s Trial.

„ 17.—Speed judging contest. July 1.—Reliability trial. „ 15.—Speed trials. „

29.—Treasure hunt. Aug. 12.—Speed trials. „ 26.—All day trial. Sept. 9.—Speed trials.

„ 23.—Chiltern trial.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. D. Burnford, Kynaston Court, Box Tree Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex.


A census was recently taken of all members’ opinions as to which are the world’s 12 best cars, and the following are the eagerly awaited results :—

1, Bentley, 212 points ; 2. Alfa-Romeo, 200 points ; 3, Bugatti, 161 points ; 4, Mercedes, 145 points ; 5, Rolls Royce, 143 points ; 6, M.G., 106 points ; 7, Maserati, 102 points ; 8, Delage, 61 points; 9, Lagonda, 60 points ; 10, Frazer Nash, 48 points ; 11, Hispano, 47 points; 12, Talbot, 34 points. Invicta, Sunbeam, Aston Martin, Daimler, Miller, Isotta and Riley all tied for 13th place with 28 points each. A similar census is to be taken of the 12 best living drivers, so send in your lists, in order of merit please. All those interested should apply to The Hon. Secretary, Lewis E. Miles, 4, High Street, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset.


At the last Committee meeting the Secretary reported a large number of applications for membership. A suitable badge is being selected and the date of the first fixture has been confirmed. It will be held on Sunday, June 3rd, and will

take the form of a reliability trial in the Chilterns, starting at Beaconsfield and ending at the Howard Park Hotel, Aston Clinton. After tea a speed trial will be held in the private grounds of the hotel. Those interested should get in touch with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. W. Mason, c/o Messrs. Clement Talbot, Ltd., Barlby Road, Ladbroke Grove, W. 11.