

THE R.A.C. has been able to obtain a certain amount of advance information regarding this year’s Alpine Trial.

The Trial will start from Nice on Tuesday, 7th August, the two previous days being occupied with the examination of the cars. The first day’s run will be from Nice to Aix-les-Bains, 485 kms. ; the second from Aix-les-Bains to Interlaken, 421 kms. ; the third from Interlaken to St. Moritz, 371 kms. ; the fourth from St. Moritz to Venezia, 549 kms. ; the fifth from Venezia to Zagreb, 436 kms., and the sixth from Zagreb to Munich, 616 kms. Only cars manufactured in series will be allowed to compete. The words “Manufactured in series” mean that cars so

constructed shall have been part of the normal and continuous output of the factory prior to 1st May, 1934, and that at least one hundred of the type in question shall have been completed before 1st August, 1934. Each entrant must add a declaration to his entry, stating that the car complies with this condition, that no alterations have been made to the chassis or engine, and that no additional fittings have been built into the car. In the case of British entries, this declaration must be examined by the R.A.C., verified and confirmed.

Bodies must have a minimum number of two seats and must be in accordance with Article 247 of the International Sporting Code. The weight of the car must agree with the weight given in the catalogue.

There will be two speed tests with flying starts ; one on the Col du Galibier on the first day, and the other on the Stelvio on the fourth day. There will also be a speed test run on the flat over a distance not exceeding 10 kms., on a day not announced. For each test a ntinimum speed is set and failure to attain that speed will result in loss of marks. There will be no bonus marks for exceeding it.

At the conclusion of the Trial the cars will be examined to see that all seals and marks are intact, but there will be no examination for condition.

The closing date for entries is 10th July, 1934, and regulations can be obtained from the R.A.C., Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1.