What Do You Know About Cars?


What Do Yot Know About Cars ?

Report on Problem No. 3.

THE first Vg automobile to be manufactured in Great Britain was the Rolls Royce of 1906. This car was a queer looking vehicle in which the driver sat right over the power unit, with no part of the car visible in front of him. One of these cars was purchased by Lord Northcliffe, and it was affectionately termed “The Legal Limit.” The first correct solution opened on the 15th of last month was that submitted by : • Mr. R. E. Baker,

36, Graven Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W.19.

to whom we have sent a cheque of one guinea.

47% of the solutions were correct, and the remainder was made up of such widely different guesses as Guy (which was the most popular apart from the correct answer), Cadillac, Ford, Mors, Leyland, King, Napier, and Weigall.

Rules for Problem No. 4.

1. Cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your solution, and send it to us in a sealed envelope, marked Competition.

2. Write your solution and name and address in block capitals. Any. alterations will automatically disqualify the entrant.

3. The Editor’s decision is final.

4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, not later than first post, June 15th, and a prize or one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution


5. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.

6. No letter must be sent with coupon.