

No. 2. Mr. E. a. ANDERSON.

GENERALLY known as “Andy,” Ernest John Anderson is quite one of the most popular figures at Brooklands Track-and in fact at any place where sporting motorists foregather.

His career is an example of ability reaping its proper reward. On leaving the Essex County High School he went straight into the service of the Wakefield Company. After three years he was made assistant to the manager of the Motor Department, and in this capacity Anderson made his first acquaintance with Brooklands. He soon became keenly interested in car and motor cycle racing, and just when he was planning to take an active part in competitions himself, the Great War broke out.

In 1915 he joined up with the 11th Essex Regiment, and for four years he was preoccupied with more serious matters than motor racing. After the War he went back to his old job, and his interest in motor-cycle competition work was quickly revived. In 1920, 1921 and 1922 he was a regular competitor at Brooklands and in hill-climbs, and succeeded in making fastest motor-cycle time of the day at the Thundersley Hill-Climb in 1921 on a 2i h.p. side valve New Imperial. Incidentally, on the same day Malcolm Campbell (as he then was) made fastest car time at the wheel of a 200 h.p. Peugeot.

Then ” Andy ” turned to cars, and the years 1922 and 1923 found him driving a 1922 G.N., with which he competed in many trials. By this time the Wakefield Company was also taking a great interest in motor sport, and much research work on the part of its chemists resulted in a widespread use of Castrol oil by competitors in sporting events. Someone had to take charge of this growing department, and who was better fitted to tackle the job than Anderson ? So, in 1926 he was appointed Competition and Racing

Manager of Messrs. C. C. Wakefield & Co. Ltd., a position which he holds to this day.

“Andy” is actually 39 years of agebut he will never grow any older. You have only got to look at his photograph to see that. He is always laughing and joking, and a more cheerful companion on any occasion it would be impossible to find. Hobbies ? Oh, yes, sea angling and lawn tennis.

Certainly no man is more deservedly popular than “Andy of Wakefield’s.”