

HELD on the Sunday following the Monaco G. P., the Bordino Grand Prix seemed likely to provide a further act in the Varzi v. Nuvolari duel, for both drivers appeared on the entry list. On the day of the race, however, the Bugatti driver had not arrived, and so Nuvolari was firm favourite at the start.

The Bordino Grand Prix, named after the famous Italian driver Pietro Bordino, is composed of two heats and a final. The heats are run over 8 laps of the 8 kilometre circuit, while the finalists have to cover 15 laps or 120 kilometres. When the cars were lined up for the start of the first heat the weather was fine, though overcast. Nuyc..11ari (Alfa Romeo) led. from start to finish, but he was hard pressed by Brivio, on another Alfa. These two steadily gained on the rest of the field, and eventually finished with only 6 seconds between them. On one lap Nuvolari set up a new lap record of 3 mins.

14 secs. Some excitement was caused by Villars when his Alfa Romeo skidded into the straw barricades on one corner, a mishap which caused him to be last in the heat.

The chief Bugatti opposition of the clay was provided by Minozzi, who won the second heat. His time, however, was considerably slower than that of Nuvolari, and he was followed closely by Count Trossi (Alf a RomeO). Just as the final was due to start the rain began to fall ; a perfect deluge which drenched the crowd and made conditions

very difficult for the drivers. Nuvolari led at the end of the first lap, driving with care, and he was soon joined by his fellowdriver from the Scuderia Ferrari, Count Trossi. Their two Alfa Romeos seemed definitely faster than the other competitors, and they finally finished three minutes ahead of the third man, Brivio, on another Alfa Romeo.

RESULTS. 1st Heat.-1, Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo), 26m. 37s.;

1st Heat.-1, Nuvolari (Alfa Romeo), 26m. 37s.; 2, Brivio (Alfa Romeo), 26m. 43 3/5s. ; 3, Castelbarco (Alfa Romeo), 27m. 30 4/5s. ; 4, Pietsch (Alfa Romeo), ; 5, Vilkirs (Alfa Romeo).

2nd Heat.-J, Minozzi (Bugatti), 32ra. 22 1/5s.1 2, Trossi (Alfa Romeo), 32m. 23 3/5s.; 3, Valpura (Maserati), 32m. 35s.; 4, Oilers] (Bugatti); 5, Premoli (Maserati). Final.-i,Nuvolari (Alfa 12 omeo), lb. 2m. 212/5s. ; 2, Trossi (Alfa Romeo), lb. 2m. 25 2/5s. • 3, Brivio (Alfa Romeo), . Sm. 41s.; 4, V alpuralMaserati) , lb. 9m. 8s.; 5, Minozzi (Bugatti), lb. 9m. 53s.; 6, Villars (Alfa Romeo), lb. 13m. 55s.; Pietsch (Alfa Romeo), lb. 14m. 13s.; Castelbarco (Alfa Romeo), lh. 16m. 17s,