

THE weather, which was unkind to most of the country on WhitMonday, was very lenient to the Brooklands authorities, and, except for a very short shower during the meeting, good weather held till the end, when it broke completely, and we all went home in pouring rain.

Incidents were plentiful, as cars skidded round, bit banks, went through barriers, tried to catch on fire, and generally behaved in the way Fleet Street and the lay press enjoy. These matters, however, were not important, and were fortunately without injury to anyone, and did not alter the fact that there was a deal of excellent racing, and one of the best and most spirited tussles in a Mountain race since this event has been held. Special events included a demonstration by George Eyston with the Pendine single seater M.G. He set up a new 750 c.c. lap

record at no less than 112.93 m.p.h., a perfectly amazing speed, and one which is likely to stand for a very long time.

The other special was a demonstration of what can be done with a Hawker Fury by Flight-Lieut. P. E. G. Sayer, whose inverted gliding at just on stalling speed was as neat as the terrific full power climbs were spectacular.

The first race attracted 17 cars, including the very low stream-lined Austin Seven usually driven by Willis,but handled in this race by E. F. Phillips. This car was favourite, being on the 31sec. mark with Robinson’s old Brescia ” Bug ” and Gilbert’s Talbot. The Austin fulfilled its promise, but had a terrific struggle with the Bugatti. The latter drew level on the Railway straight on the second lap, but, going on to the Byfieet banking, the Austin got ahead again and stayed there till the finish. A bunch of cars, including Gardner’s and Munday’s speed model Rovers, and Gilbert’s Talbot, went over the line close together, for third place. which actually went to Major Gardner. Then followed a one-lap sprint handicap, with John Cobb in the big pelage giving 35 secs. to Willis’ Austin, this time handled by the entrant. E. R Hall, on the 29 secs. mark, soon took the lead just in front of Hamilton, who at this point gave place to Meeson’s 30-98 Vauxhall by rotating several times as he came off the banking ; he touched the grass verge on the


inside of the track and quietly turned over, fortunately unhurt. He and Hall were both on M.G. Midgets, which thus scored a win, while Willis’ Austin was third. The Senior Short Handicap was a 2 lap affair, in which J. H. Bartlett’s Salmson and Meeson’s Vauxhall looked likely cars, having lm. 4s. and 41s. respectively. The handicappers had been kind, however, to “Ginger” Llewellyn with lm. 28s., and he accepted their gesture and took the race as a belated wedding present ! He came home as he chose some quarter mile ahead of Meeson’s Vauxhall, which passed

Bartlett’s Salinson and Brackenbury’s Bugatti to get an easy second. The chief struggle was for third place between Cobb and Birkin, both from scratch. Cobb made full use of his acceleration, but Birkin was coming upon him fast, and just failed to catch him by inches as they crossed the finish. The first of the Mountain events saw R. E. L. Featherstonhaugh on scratch with a very fast 1-litre Alfa-Romeo, giving 1 minute to W. A. R. Fartniloe on a Wolseley Hornet. The latter car led for four laps with Dr. Roth’s ” 90 ” Talbot second. The latter pulled up to first on the 5th lap, leaving the Wolseley

second and Graham’s Riley third. On the 7th lap the Alfa came through the field to third place, and would probably have been there sooner if it had not been for a rather wild corner at the Fork at the beginning. As it was, he was driving really well and with real spirit, and coming round the Fork just behind Dr. Roth on the last lap, just beat him to the finish. C. T. Delaney, whose Lea-Francis had been going very well indeed, got third place. Another sprint followed, with Horton’s M.G. a hot favourite. Unfortunately, Sir Malcolm Campbell, who was to have driven the rebuilt and modified Sunbeam (the” Tiger “) did not start, and the chief interest lay in the scrap between Bartlett’s Salmson and Horton. Bartlett was giving him 4 secs., and both made terrific get-. aways. Horton has found a lot of speed lately, however, and won fairly easily

from Bartlett, with Cuthbert’s 2-litre supercharged Lagonda third.

The Nottingham Long Handicap provided a second win for Horton, who, in spite of a re-handicap, came right through the field. Two laps saw W. L. Thompson (Austin) in the lead, while Horton was fourth. He roared through the remainder, however, and got home in front of Gilbert’s Talbot, with Meeson’s Vauxhall third. Rain fell after this race, and after it, racing was postponed to let the track dry while the Hawker Fury performed for our benefit. The Gold Star, which was„,to have followed, was held over to allow the

track to dry fully, and the second Mountain Race was held in place of it.

Featherstonhaugh was re-handicapped 20 secs. in view of his previous win, while on scratch was Rose-Richards in a big Mercedes, and Raymond Mays on a 44-litre Invicta. L. A. Hutchings on a veteran Frazer-Nash caught the two limit men and held his lead for four laps, when Featherstonhaugh, who was once again out for blood, came up behind Leeson’s M.G., which took the lead. Vernon Balls (Crossley) retired, as did Cuthbert’s Lagonda, which broke an oil pipe and emitted clouds of smoke as the oil poured on to the hot exhaust pipe. The M.G. only held the lead for two laps when the Alfa got by and scored his second win. Horton’s M.G. took third place on the 8th lap and second on the 9th, while Willis (Austin) finished third. Doing an extra lap at the end, the Alfa driver went just too fast at the Fork and sailed through the barrier. B. R. Hall on his M.G., and Cuthbert on the supercharged Lagonda, also turned round at this point during the race.

The third Mountain Handicap followed this race, with Whitney Straight and Earl Howe together on scratch. The former was driving the Maserati on which Sir Henry Birldn broke the record for this course last year, and he had actually lowered this record in practice before this meeting. Earl Howe was running the 2,300 c.c. two camshaft Bugatti with which he gained fourth place in the Monaco Grand Prix, and it is interesting to note that it was run absolutely as it finished this race, without any overhaul whatever, which shows that it is a pretty tough motor car. Sir Malcolm was to have been the third man on scratch, but as recorded above he was not running in this meeting. Victor Gillow (Riley). with lm. 35s. start, got away well and led for six laps, followed by J. H. Bartlett’s Salmson. As soon as the scratch cars were dispatched, however, all attention was concentrated on the struggle between the Bugatti and the Maserati. At the first corner under the Members’ Bridge, Straight went wide and seemed to gain on Earl Howe by going above him on the banking, but at the Fork

he rather overdid things and lost distance, due to a rather wild corner. The wonderful braking power of the Bugatti and Earl Howe’s very polished cornering at the Fork seemed to be the deciding factor, though Straight drove like one possessed to make up the few yards he had lost, and on the banking corner seemed the faster of the two. He broke the existing lap record at 75.76 m.p.h., and managed to gain a little on Howe, who replied by equalling his record. Bartlett, after gaining the lead, held it to within a few yards of the finish, when the two scratch cars hurled past him a few yards apart, with Howe leading, leaving him a very good third, place. It was one of the best Mountain races ever held, and gives one some idea of what it would be like if we could have a road race for such cars in this country, an end which, we hope, is not so very far off.

The Gold Star Handicap, which had been held over till the track dried, was the closing race of the meeting. Held over seven laps, it was first led by Brackenbury’s Bugatti until it struck trouble and retired, leaving the race to Munday’s Vauxhall, which, in spite of its age, averaged over 109 m.p.h. for the distance. On scratch were Birkin’s Bentley and Earl Howes’ 4,900 c.c. Bugatti, with John Cobb’s Pelage 8 secs. ahead. The Bugatti led Birkin off the mark, but when the latter got going he passed him on the

inside coming off the members’ banking and then also retired. Bouts on his 2-litre Sunbeam was travelling very well indeed, and took second place, while Cobb, in spite of averaging 130 m.p.h., had to be content with third. The Vauxhall actually lapped at 114.23 m.p.h., which should give present-day manufacturers of large sports cars something to think about.


NOTTINGHAM JUNIOR SHORT HANDICAP (64 Mfix.$). 1, E. F. Phillips (Austin, 749 c.c.), 31s. ; 2, J. Robinson (Bugatti, 1,496 c.c.), 31s.;

3, A. T. G. Gardner (Rover, 2,565 c.c.), 37s. Won by 10 yards at 84.02 m.p.h.


1, E. R. Hall (M.G., 747 c.c.), 29s. ; 2, B. L. Meeson (Vauxhall, 4,234 c.c.), 20s.; 3, G. G. L. Willis (Austin, 749 c.c.), 29s. Won by 150 yards at 87.36 m.p.h.


1, A. S. Llewellyn (Riley, 1,089 c.c.), lin. 28s.; 2, E. L. Meeson (Vauxhall, 4,234 c.c.), 41s.; 3, J. R. Cobb (Pelage, 10,688 c.c.), scr. Won by 500 yards at 85.54 m.p.h.


1, R. E. L. Featherstonhaugh (Alf aRomeo, 1,484 c.c.), scr. ; 2, Dr. E. J. H. Roth (Talbot, 2,276 c.c.), 40s. ; 3, C. T. Delaney (Lea-Francis, 1,496 c.c.), 10s. Won by 30 yards at 61,22 m.p.h.


1, R. T. Horton (M.G., 747 c.c.), 29s.; 2, J. H. Bartlett (Salmson, 1,090 c.c.), 25s.; 3, W. A. Cuthbert (Lagonda, 1,954 c.c.), 32s. Won by 200 yards at 89.72 m.p.h. NOTTINGHAM LONG HANDICAP (9 MILES). 1, R. T. Horton (M.G., 747 c.c.), 12s. ; 2, A. B. Gilbert (Talbot, 2,276 c.c.), 48s.;

3, E. L. Meeson (Vauxhall, 4,234 c.c.), owed 3s. Won by 25 yards at 99.91 m.p.h.

NOTTINGHAM SENIOR MOUNTAIN HANDICAP (12 MrfAs). 1, R. B. L, Featherstonhaugh (AlfaRomeo, 1,484 c.c.), 35s.; 2, R. T. Horton (M.G., 747 c.c.), 15s.; 3, G. G. L Willis (Austin), 749 c.c.), 35s. Won by 40 yards at 63.25 m.p.h

NOTTINGHAM LIGHTNING MOUNTAIN HANDICAP (12 MILEs). 1, Lord Howe (Bugatti) 2,263 c.c.), scr. ; 2, W. Straight (Maserati, 2,494 c.c.),

scr. ; 3, J. H. Bartlett (Salmson, 1,090 c.c.), lm. Won by 8 yards at 73.64 m.p.h. THU GOLD STAR HANDICAP (20 MILEs). 1, R. J. Munday (Vauxhall, 4,526 c.c.),

2m. 13s.; 2, E. L. Bouts (Sunbeam, 1,988 c.c.), lm. 3s. : 3, J. R. Cobb (Pelage, 10,688 c.c.), 8s. Won by 500 yards at 109.46 m.p.h.