

A Wing Protector,

b.; detail equipment of the modern sports car has become increasingly

important, as owners wish to preserve the finish as long as possible. A new fitting designed with this object is the Everflex mudguard protector which is supplied by Hellewell & Co., Ltd., 2-3, Quadrant, Lime Street, Liverpool. This is a neat rubber guard designed to bolt on to the forward tip of the rear mudguards, and so to protect this spot from the shower of grit and small stones from the front wheels, to which the abolition of running boards has rendered it liable. The guard is moulded to fit round the end of the wing, and a pair costs 15s. 6d.

Spring Lubrication.

Attention to the springs of a car is usually deferred as long as possible owing to the rather unpleasant nature of the task of dismounting and greasing them, till recently the accepted method of dealing with rusty leaves. The introduction of penetrating oil has rendered this procedure unnecessary, as it will creep into the smallest cracks and work its way between the leaves, so keep ing them in good condition without trouble. The well known firm of C. C. Wakefield, Ltd., have recently added such an oil to their range, and it is sold at 6s. the quart tin, or 3s. 3d. the pint. A very useful adjunct to this new lubricant

is the powerful squirt, which is sold at 4s, 6d., and which enables the oil to be projected into inaccessible places without difficulty.

In addition to springs, many other parts, such as brake connections, etc., may be attended to by this convenient method.

Comfort in Strenuous Driving.

Every athlete, even when in first-class training, realises the need of artificially supporting muscles normally unaccustomed to much strain. For the sporting motorist, who in many cases occupies his life in between strenuous events with an indoor job which is no use as training, it is specially necessary to avoid strain when driving in a rough trial or race, or even a long day’s run. The Litcsome body belt, introduced by Fred Hurtley, Ltd., of Victoria Park Mills, Keighley, obtainable at most chemists and stores, is designed to give the necessary support and obviate fatigue. Most racing drivers wear something of this kind, and there is no doubt of its benefit to the ordinary motorist as well. All further particulars can be obtained from the makers.