

HE sports car owner is liable to be particularly hard on watches owing

to the vibration and general rough treatment to which he subjects them. This has led to the introduction of several makes of watches specially designed to stand vibration.

The Schneider Watch.

A watch which has achieved great popularity recently ih the Schneider wrist watch, marketed by Roberts & Co., of Albion House, 59-61, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.1. It has a fully jewelled

shock absorbing movement, with a waterproof case, which is unbreakable. Mr. R. C. Cole, of the staff of MOTOR SPORT, who recently made a trip from London to Paris in an outboard engined motor boat, used one of these watches and found it eminently satisfactory, in

spite of getting it repeatedly wet with salt water. This model costs 55s., with either flexible metal or leather strap, and is also supplied on deferred terms.

The Blue Bird Watch.

This strikes an original note by having, in place of the normal face, figures appearing under windows in the metal cover, giving an instrument which is almost immune from the roughest treatment. It has a 15-jewel movement, and sells for 59s. 6d., being also obtainable on the instalment plan if desired. One model is chromium-plated, but a gold case model is also available. This watch is sold by Peter Roland, Ltd., 12-13, Hatton Garden, E.C.1.

A Range of Stop Watches.

Everyone who ever watches a motoring event, and also those who wish to check the performance of their own cars, have

plenty of use for a stop watch, and these are included in the range listed by Arnold & Co., 122, St. John Street, Uerkenwell Road, E.C.1.

A wrist watch at 15s., and a stop watch at 10s. 6d., both have stop mechanism for the centre second hand, but in the case of these models there is no fly-back arrangement for setting to zero, as they are not intended for timing speed events, but for ordinary time recording where continuous movement can be used. A fly-back pattern stop watch with minute and second hands is listed at the very reasonable price of 15s., while for those who require more specialised instruments of higher quality there is a combined time recording and stop watch with fly-back mechanism, with a very high class movement, at 85s.