Club News, June 1932




THE Midland Automobile Club have now published particulars of the twenty-seventh annual hill climb at Shelsley Walsh, which will take place on Saturday, the 25th of this month. Entries close on Thursday, the 16th of this month, and intending competitors should note that practising on the hill will be allowed on Friday, 24th, from 9 a.m. till 3.30 p.m. The competition will be divided up into the following classes, and these will be subdivided into racing and sporting car classes. They will be :(1) up to 850 c.c. (2) 851 to 1,100 c.c. (3) 1,101 to 1,500 c.c. (4) 1,501 to 2,000 c.c. (5) 2,001 to 3,000 c.c. (6) 3,001 to 5,000 c.c. and (7) 5,000 c.c. and over.

The competition will start at 1.0 p.m.

Full particulars as to entry forms, regulations and so forth can be obtained by writing to the Clerk of the Course, Mr. Leslie Wilson, of 415, Stratford Road, Birmingham.


The R.S.A.C. has now completed arrangements for the holding of the

” Scottish Rally.” The dates will be Monday, 4th July, till Saturday, 9th July. The Rally is open to all members of the club, and also to all members of a recognised motoring organisation. The route, as has already been announced, will be approximately 1,200 miles, and it will pass through the following districts :— Oban, Strathpeffer, Domoch, Gairloch, Fort-William, Inverness, Grantown-onSpey, Braemar, Pitlochry, etc There will be six starting controls, viz. :— London, Droitwich, Harrogate, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. The final control will be at Edinburgh, where a coachwork competition will be held at the finish of the road test.

The various tests have been planned as a whole with the object of giving an equal chance to all types of cars and classes of drivers.


Mr. C. G. Vokes, director of C. G. Vokes Ltd., the well known motor accessory manufacturers of 95-97 Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London, S.W.15, has written suggesting the formation of a Lagonda Car Club.

In a letter to MOTOR SPORT he says: ” Judging by the fair number of entries of Lagonda car owners in the various rallies and sporting events of the year, it would seem that there would be quite a considerable measure of support forthcoming for a Lagonda Car Club.”

Mr. Vokes adds that as a Lagonda owner he would be only too pleased to assist in the formation of such a club with a view to organising it on modem lines, and he would be glad to receive the names and addresses of those who would be willing to belong. Those Lagonda owners who would be willing to serve on a temporary informal committee, pending complete formation, are asked to get in touch with Mr. Vokes at the above address.