“Probably The Most Successful OF ALL CARS In Trials Is The Frazer Nash”


“Probably The Most Successful OF ALL CARS In Trials Is The Frazer Nash”

(The Light Car Cyclecar,” May 8, 1930.

LONDON-EXETER, 1930. Five Gold Medals.

A Frazer Nash was awarded the Special Prize in the Acceleration Test against 183 cars in this trial.

LONDON-LAND’S END, 1930. Eight Gold Medals.

M.C.C. One Day SPORTING TRIAL, 1930. A Frazer Nash was the only car to climb successfully all the hills, and the only car to gain a Premier Award out of 72 entries. LONDON-LAND’S END, 1931. Nine Gold Medals, THE Frazer Nash has always been consistently successful in open competition. Its terrific acceleration, extraordinarily easy and rapid .gear change, its chain transmission with direct drive on all gears, make it a formidable rival iu trials, whilst it has a big advantage in that gear ratios can be easily and inexpensively altered to suit any special conditions. A report of almost any of the big trials is unquestionable proof of this outstanding superiority, as it is impossible to read through such reports without coming across frequent comments on the brilliant performance put up by the Frazer Nash entries. Describing the recent Land’s End the ” Motor ” said, ” The Frazer Nashes roared up AS though they thought it was “INTERCEPTER I” (s.v. emzine) 3 speeds, two seater model on short chassis and corn £325

plete equipznent.

De Luxe “INTERCEPTER I” model.

Brief Details : 4 speeds, wide front axle, 12″ F.W.B., double PlartfOrds all round, double ” ” bolts, AceteX safety glass, all bright parts chromium plated, de luxe equipment throughout, including Lucas 12 volt lighting and starting set, (with dip and switch), large headlamps, etc., special deep block radiator, ” Blue Riband ” Pirelli tyres, three-four seater body on long Chassis, rear tank, spare wheel mounted at rear, side curtains, etc. Coachwork fabric covered (colour to choice), wings, bonnet cellulosed Any colour, pneumatic leather upholstery all seats, etc. £425

“INTERCEPTER rr” (o.h.v. engine), £25 extra on standard and de luxe models.

Illustrated catalogue with full details and spedfictitious of Other Frazer Nash models gent on request. Demonstration runs at any timerand anywhere, without obligation.

Shels!ey.” “As usual, the Frazer Nashes were both spectacular and rapid, as well as being cleverly handled.”

” Motor Sport,” reporting a Land’s End Trial, said, ” )1′ the larger cars the Frazer Washes stood alone for speed on hills and were all very adequately handled. Their remarkally high bottom gears instead of being a disadvantage, merely seemed an excuse for climbing faster than ever.” ” The Light Car & Cyclecar,” said, ” .11y far the fastest light cars in the trial were the Frazer Nash entries.” ” Undoubtedly the most outstandingly spectacular climb was that by H. J. AldingtOn (supercharged Fraser Nash), who flashed up at speed, although several other Fraser Nash drivers closely emulated their leader,”

In the 1,500 c.c. class the Frazer Nash contingent provided the fastest climbs.”

” The Autocar ” -said, ” The Frazer Nashes streaked up in their inimitable fashion.”

It is unnecessary to add that these are only a few selections at random from hundreds of similar reports in our records, but they will serve as proof of our claims. Why not come along and try the Frazer Nash for yourself ?