HERE and THERE By " Camshaft", June 1930


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THE new Austin ” Seven ” Sports which performed so well in the Double-Twelve is one of the most attractive models which has so far been turned out from Longbridge, and in a run round in one of them, though only of brief duration, I found it a great improvement on any earlier listed “7.”

This new model has been specially designed throughout as a sports car and is not a standard type faked up. The frame, for example, has been lowered considerably, and the increase in the stability when travelling at speeds of 60-80 m.p.h. is marked ; the springs are bound with cord and this also contributes to the general ” driveability.” It is marketed both with a supercharger and without. The supercharger is gear-driven from the front of the engine and the cooling system incorporates a pump. Other salient features include a special high second gear, which gives the car an astonishingly snappy acceleration. Due consideration has been given to accessibility and a specially long bonnet, besides enhancing the appearance, gives plenty of room for attending to all vital parts in the power unit. At the price—£225—this new ” 7 ” will undoubtedly become one of the most popular light, high-speed twoseaters.

Indias of Inchinnan.

THE new factory of the India Tyres, Ltd., at Inchinnan, Scotland, is, now I learn, turning out tyres at the rate of 1,500 per day and friends in the trade tell me that the demand for the make is consistently over-topping the ‘supply.

When the new premises were completed a short time ago, some 5,000 people attended the opening ceremony, from all parts of the country, and special trains were run from London, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds and Newcastle ; while a specially chartered steamer brought visitors from Dublin, and an Imperial Airways liner flew north from London with other guests.

Excursions to I.O.M.

THE Great Western Railway Co., are running a series of excursions from Paddington to Douglas during the period of the T.T. Races. These will run on Friday, Saturday and Monday (June 13, 14 and 16). The return fares will be :-3rd class and steerage, 44/6; 3rd class and saloon 52/-. Times of departures and full details can be obtained at all G.W.R. stations and offices.

Laystalloy Liners.

THE Laystall Motor Engineering Works, Ltd., who specialise in high-class engine overhaul and tuning work, have lately introduced a new method of reconditioning cylinders. This consists of the insertion, by a special means, of hardened steel liners. The process used in the manufacture of these liners is patented, and the alloy steel used in said to have a surface twice

as hard as case-hardened steel. For all practical purposes the surface of the liners is unwearable, and having a high degree of polish, friction is appreciably lessened and wear on the pistons (whatever their material may be) is reduced. Owners of sports cars who are contemplating major overhauls would do well to investigate this latest Laystall system.