

Lap Record Broken at B.O.R.C’s Second Meeting.

irmight have been either the second half of the “Double 12,” being held on the same day, or perhaps, the leaden skies and chill wind, that kept people away from the British Outboard Racing Club’s meeting at the Welsh Harp, Hendon, on Saturday, the 10th May ; nevertheless, whatever the reason for the poor attendance, those present, both spectators and competitors, thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon’s sport. The enjoyment of those who watched the proceedings from the bridge—and others—was enhanced by the excellent loud speaker installation which announced the results of the races within a very short time of their having been completed, and which played a good selection of the latest dance music to enliven the few short pauses between the races. Quite a good number of entries were received before the race, but a marked feature was the absence of class

” C ” boats—boats with an engine capacity exceeding 350 c.c. but not exceeding 500 c.c. The races were run over a course of three nautical miles, and for those races run as open events prizes of £3, £2 and £1 were given. In the case of the amateur races a cup and spoon offered by the 13,0.R.C. were the prizes. The Allcomers handicap was quite the best race of the afternoon, there being some excellent handling and speeds. During this race, Mr. J. W. Shillan’s “Non Sequitor III.” (Elto engine), driven by Mr. C. H. Harrison, made a new record lap speed of 1 min. 37 secs. which works out at 42.68 m.p.h. This was the fastest speed attained during the meeting. Later on in the afternoon, a race was held between Mr. J. W. Shillan on his” Dartcraft,” and Captain Broad on a ” Moth ” biplane. Captain Broad had to complete 6 laps to Mr. Shillan’s 3. The former, flying very low over the water, making the steepest of banked turns,

was thought to have won, but after the race it was announced that the “Dart,” had gained first place. Later Captain Broad gave a thrilling exhibition of aerobatics, with loops, inverted flying, rolls, spins, etc.

The obstacle race which followed was somewhat spoilt by the rain which had begun to fall heavily and the strong wind prevailing. After the firing of the starting gun, the competitors had to start their engines and complete a course round the obstacles which consisted of five poles decorated with flags and forming four avenues through which they had to thread their way. They then had to return to the pontoon, pick up their lady passengers, complete a second circuit of the course with them and return to the pontoon to deposit their passengers and return a last time on the course. The embarking and dis-embarking of the passengers was a tricky matter, as much valuable time would be wasted had the engines to be stopped during the process. Soon afterwards the heavy rain made proceedings impossible and the meeting broke up.

M. E. S. R-F,SULTs :—Race 1.. Class B open : 1, C. T. Lewis (” J “), 28.12 knots ; 2, Rex Biggs (” Cherub “) ; a, C. J. Turner (“Itisutit “). Race 2. Class C., amateurs : 1, C. J. Turner (” Itisntit “), 27.90 knots ; 2, Rex Biggs (” Cherub “). Race 3. Unlimited Class Open : 1, C. Harrison (“1%.Ton Sequitur HI “) ; 33.96 knots ; 2, C. T. Lewis (” Meteor “) ; a, W. G. Boyer (” Jill II “). Race 4. Class B, Amateurs : 1, Rex Biggs (” Cherub “), 28.88 knots ; 2, C. 3. Turner (” Itisntit “). Race 5. Class C, Open : 1, C. T. Lewis (” J ”), 28:57 knots ; 2, C. J. Turner (” Itistitit “) ; 3, W. O. Boyer (” Jill II “). Race 6. Unlimited Class Amateurs : 1, W. G. Boyer (” Jill II “). 27.90 knots. Race 7. All-corners’ Handicap : 1, C. Harrison (” on Sequitur

III “), 35.29 knots ; 2, H. J. P. Boinford .(” Seahopper IV “) ; 3, W. G. Boyer (‘! Jill II “). Race 8. Obstacle Race (Open). All Classes : 1, C. T. Lewis (” Meteor “) ; 2, C. J. Turner (” itisntit “).