
THE B.O.R.C. RETURN TO HENDON Successful Opening Meeting at the Welsh Harp

AFTER a lapse of two years, the Welsh Harp, Hendon, once more contained sufficient water for racing and the inaugural meeting of the season took place on April 26th, and produced an interesting entry of 44. The arrangements, both as regards the racing and the provision for spectators were excellent.

The course was triangular, and one nautical mile in length, the races being over 3 laps.

The majority of competitors seemed to be using last season’s craft and engines and there was a lack of 1930 models, the Dunelt being an exception. It was however a new motor and not yet properly run in, so its speed was not high. Silencers were much in evidence to comply with the latest regulations. These were mostly Vortex or Derrington, and were a great improvement, and showed that racing without undue noise can be every bit as interesting as with it.

Mr. Weatherell turned up with a very natty outfit, consisting of a Chevrolet van containing a young boathouse cum workshop. He won the Class C open race in ” Itsit VII” with an Rvenrude engine. Comic relief was provided by Mr. Shillan in a 200 h.p. Dart speedboat being chased by Tommy Rose in a Moth, and being bombarded with bags of flour which he managed to avoid successfully.

The fastest lap of the race was made by C. T. Lewis’ ” Meteor ” with a Johnson engine, at 35.29 knots, while the best time over 3 laps was achieved by H. J. P. Bomford in ” Seahopper V,” also with a Johnson engine. This make won 4 out of the 6 races, and made fastest time of the day, also the fastest time in Class “B.”


Class B, Open.—P. R. Thornton, “Star ” (Johnson), 27.69 knots ; Rex Bigg’s ” Cherub ” (Johnson), 27.27 knots ; H. J. P. Bomford’s ” Seahopper V” (Johnson), 26.08 knots.

Class c, Amateur.—Rex Biggs’s ” Cherub ” (327 c.c. Johnson), 27.91 knots ; G. B. Marr’s Tegenacco ” (486 c.c. Dunelt), 25.71 knots ; A. Lanfranchis’s ” Babouche ” (327 c.c. Johnson), 25.35 knots. No third prize.

Unlimited Class, Open.—C. T. Lewis’s ” Meteor ” (Johnson), 33.64 knots ; G. V. Bridgewater’s ” Astevensa ” (Johnson), 32.73 knots ; ” Seahopper V” (655 c.c. Johnson), 31.03 knots.

Class B, Amateur.—” Cherub,” 27.27 knots ; Peter Godfrey’s “Blue Peter IV” (Watermota), 25.25 knots ; ” Babouche,” 25.17 knots.

Class C, Open.—R. D. Weatherers ” Itsit VII “(Evinrude), 28.57 knots ; “Cherub” (327 c.c. Johnson), 27.48 knots ; C. J. Turner’s ” Itisntit ” (327 c.c. Johnson), 25.20 knots.

Unlimited Class, Amateur.—” Seahopper V,” 33.75 knots ; ” Astevensa,” 29.79 knots ; “Cherub” (327 c.c. Johnson), 27.69 knots.