
Manx Motor Boat Racing.

soivrE interesting motor boat racing should be witnessed in Douglas Bay in June if the conditions are good. The Manx Amusement Committee, in conjunction with the Mersey District Speed Boat Club, have decided to organise a number of events, which will take place on either June 17th or 19th, and a permit from the Marine Motoring Association has been applied for. A fifty-guinea challenge cup has been presented by Mr. Tom Moore, on behalf of MOTOR SPORT, and a good entry is assured.

The suggested events are for Class ” B ” engine solo race ; Class ” C ” solo and unlimited engine, and the same three classes with a passenger. The dates provisionally agreed upon are in the motor-cycle T.T. week, so the races will doubtless be witnessed by a large number of Britain’s Speed “kings.”

Douglas Bay is said to lend itself admirably to motor boat races, owing to the stretches of water free from rocks, and the absence of treacherous currents. From the promenade, there is a full view of the whole of the Bay, and the races will probably be watched by thou sands of spectators. Indications point to the events being highly successful, and the organisers are hopeful that it may become an annual event in the Isle of Man.

World’s Record Attempt.

It is understood that detailed arrangements are now completed for Sir Henry Segrave’s attempt on the world’s speed record on water. The boat, of course, is “Miss England IL,” and Lake Windermere will be the venue of the trials. There is no doubt that big crowds will be attacted to watch Sir Henry, and probably by the time this is in print he will have already carried out preliminary tests.

Those who have been associated with the design and construction of “Miss England II.,” and are confident that she will reach the cherished 100 M.P.H. mark, and when it is realised that her predecessor, “Miss England I.” did 93 M.P.H. with only a quarter the horse-power, it does not seem unreasonable to suppose that the additional speed necessary should be forthcoming from the new boat. If all goes well, Sir Henry will take his craft to America early next month.

A Thames Demonstration.

A step in the right direction was made last month, when a demonstration was carried out at Syon Reach, Kew, with outboard-engined boats fitted with different makes of silencers. The tests were carried out before a

number of official of the Port of London Authority, and: five boats took part.

The arrangements were in the hands of Mr. Arthur Bray, secretary of the Permanent International Racing Committee. The craft passed a P.L.A. launch at full speed and careful note was made of the varying degrees of silence. Later, Mr. Bray held a conference with Commander Shanklin of the P.L.A., and, as an outcome, it. is hoped that satisfactory arrangements may be brought about in regard to outboard racing on the Thames in the future.

A New Runabout.

The finest example to arrive from the U.S.A. of a new outboard runabout is now on view at the premises of Arthur Bray at 114, Baker Street, London, W.1. This is Johnson Aquaflyer, a high class and attractive displacement boat, powered with a Johnson Sea-horse “32.” The hull is of ” Sealite ” construction and the detail finish throughout is very good. It has two double cockpits and very complete equipment is embodied with the seats upholstered in green leatherette. The engine controls are grouped behind the steering wheel, close to the instrument panel. An electric starter is incorporated as standard and the installation includes stern and running lights. The power unit is completely enclosed, and with an under-water exhaust, the running. is exceptionally quiet ; an emergency 15-gallon petrol tank is situated amidships. The boat weighs 450 lbs.. and measures 17ft. 6ins, in length and 5ft. in beam. The manufacturers state that the speed of the Aquaflyer is 25 m.p.h.

Rickmansworth Improvements.

Visitors, on occasion of the opening meeting of the Amateur Outboard Club last month found that a number of improvements had been made at Rickmansworth. An excellent new clubhouse has now been built on the lakeside ; this is for the use of members of the A.O.C., and the Rickmansworth Sailing Club, and the premises. carry a full licence. A terrace has also been laid out where visitors may have refreshments, and the whole surroundings are now exceedingly pleasant. One noticed too, that loud-speakers have been permanently installed for announcing the results of events and a new starting ” clock ” has been put into use. These additions have greatly enhanced the ” Ricky ” aquadrome which will no doubt be a most popular rendezvous for boating enthusiasts during the coming season. Meetings will be held on the following dates :—

7th June, 21st June, 12th July, 19th July, 4th August, 23rd August, 13th September and 27th September.