Gliding Gossip and News


Gliding Gossip and News

UPON the invitation made) by the B.G.A., Herr Robert Kronfeld has now arrived in this country with his record-breaking sailplane, “Wien.” Herr Kronfeld is, of course, world-famous as one of the finest sailplane pilots, his two outstanding performances being a climb to 7,000 feet and a cross-country flight -of 89 miles.

During the next few days he will visit various areas in England and, as soon as arrangements are completed in regard to launching grounds, he will make a series of exhibition flights.

There is no doubt that his demonstration will attract a great deal of attention and will considerably increase public interest in gliding, particularly as it will be the first time that soaring will have been witnessed here. His expert opinion on the possibilities offered by the sites selected will also be of the greatest value to our gliding clubs in the future. Herr Kronfeld is expected to remain here for several weeks.

CERTAIN difficulties having arisen in regard to the tenancy of their gliding ground at Albury, the London Gliding Club has now removed to a new site, some three miles distant, at the Beacon, Invinghoe, and pending the completion of negotiations for the erection of a hangar, the club’s gliders are being temporarily housed there in a marquee.

At a meeting held last month it was decided that a ” Pruffing ” machine should be purchased. and that members should be charged for instruction. New rates of subscription have been introduced also ; these are :flying members, £3 3s. subscription and 10s. 6d. ehrtry fee ; associate members £1 is., no entry fee. The club’s membership is still increasing and instruction is being steadily maintained at week-ends.

A GLIDING group which has been operating for some time near Waddington, Lincolnshire, is now to be formed into a club, and affiliated to the British Gliding Association. The activities of the group have been mainly directed by Mr. F. L. H. Searl who designed and supervised the construction of a Zogling type of craft with which 147 successful flights have, so far, been made. The members of this go-ahead group are now busy building a machine of the Schaff type and it is anticipated that it will be in the air during the next few weeks.

THE Model Aircraft Club intends to form a full-size glider section, if support from members and others is forthcoming. Those desirous of helping in its inauguration are invited to write to Mr. John Welding, of 404a, King’s Road, Chelsea, S.W.5, who has undertaken the organisation.

FOLLOWING the offer made recently by Mr. Wallace Barr of a prize of £1,000 for the first cross-Channel flight made on a British sailplane, a number of designs have been put in hand and it seems likely that there will be no lack of entrants for the contest.

MEMBERS of the gliding branch of the Lancashire Aero Club have been putting in a lot of time with their ” Pruffing ” during the past month. They have been flying the machine at Woodford Aerodrome and in a series of experimental level ground launches, flights were achieved of up to 50 feet in height, 240 yards distance and 22 seconds duration.

Negotiations are now in progress for a suitable gliding site in the Cheshire Hills, and it is hoped that members will soon be able to take their ” A ” and ” B ” glider pilot’s licences and make soaringiffights, if the area proves satisfactory.

It is interesting to recall that when the Lancashire Club was originally formed in 1924, the organisers started first of all with a glider constructed from A-vro 504 parts. This machine was known as the L.P.W., and, towed behind a motor car, it made several successful flights at the Old Alexandra Park Aerodrome, Manchester. Ultimately it was crashed, but was rebuilt and fitted with a 7 h.p. Douglas motor cycle engine which had done service in a Parnall “Pixie ” light-plane in the Lympne Competitions in 1923.


FOR the past few months the consistent demand for the D.H. ” Moth ” has necessitated its being turned out in ever-increasing weekly numbers, and at the present time the scale reached approaches mass production.

As a result of this, and by giving the closest attention to every detail of their manufacturing methods, and by adhering to a rigid system of standardization, the De Havilland Company have been able to lower the price of their machine from £675 to £595. This 280 reduction has been made simultaneously with the addition of a number of improvements to the standard equipment of the “Moth,” which include parachute type seats, a more commodious luggage locker and a telephone system between pilot and passenger.

Optional equipment can be supplied at an extra cost ; this includes Handley Page slots (with or without looking device), compass in rear cockpit, 15-gallon auxiliary fuel tank, metal airscrew, dual ignition switches, instrument board clock, and aerobatic harness for both pilot and passenger.

In addition to the lowering of the price of the standard model, revisions have been made throughout the entire ” Moth ” range, and the special model (landplane), with metal fuselage is now listed at £675 and as a seaplane at £935.