


EACH year as T.T. machines make their appearance, it becomes increasingly difficult to find points in which they differ from the standard productions. Larger petrol tanks, of course, are usual, and occasionally the handlebars are of some special shape. Thehrtudguards, too, may be non-standard in that they conform to the minimum dimensions permitted by the International Regulations. But these are fairly obvious and uninteresting alterations.

RALEIGHS are yet another firm whose entries are little changed from last year. The changes consist chiefly of general lightening of the machine which is said to greatly improve the handling. Foot gear change of the latest type introduced by Sturmey Archers will be used. Foot change will be seen on more mounts than ever this year as its great advantages have been well proved in recent races.

VUL0C1″rE has only one official entry, H. J. Willis, who has been twice second in the Junior and is out to go one better this time. The reputation of this make in the island has, however, caused several private owners to enter and they should still be in a position to trouble other competitors very seriously. Whether they will have any chance of repeating their “grand slam” of last year remains to be seen, but they have not been idle this winter, and it is certain that Willis will be astride more ” horses ” than he has ever had in the past.

LAST year Levis machines were showing promise of very useful speed, and it is therefore only to be expected that this year’s entries do not depart notably from standard practice. Two separate camshafts operate exposed push rods set fairly wide apart. C. S. Barrow will again ride one of these machines in the Junior Race. * * *

WILL a spring frame machine ever win the T.T.? Many famous riders regard this as the racing machine of the future, and the handling and performance of the spring frame machines in this year’s races will be watched with interest. J. Petrie who will represent the Straits Settlements will be on an 0.14.C., while Ventura’s Rex Acme, and possibly some other machines will be using the Almack spring frame Velocettes have also carried out experiments with spring frames in recent years but have not as yet adopted them on any of their products,. * * *

WI I .1T has happened to the T.T. Douglas which showed such promise in the hands of Freddie Dixon in 1928? Their production was held up by the results of the fire, and also by the enormous demand for dirt track machines. There is no official entry from this factory again this year but it is to be hoped that more will be heard of the famous twin in road races.

There were rumours that the redoubtable Freddie was quite recovered from his crash in 1928 and would be seen again in the Island this year. Apparently he has at last decided to settle down after a long and spectacular racing career.

He will always be remembered and missed, as one of the features of the Tourist Trophy.

Turv T.T. Rudges follow closely the lines of the Ulster models as did their 1929 predecessors. In fact there is very little difference between the 1929 and the 1930 racing machines— except in the matter of performance.

The most obvious of the changes to the engine is that the carburetter stands farther back from the cylinder head, a suitably shaped distance piece about 1/ in. thick being interposed between the face of the inlet port and the flange of the carburetter. The latter has two (float) chambers and is, practically speaking, a 1927 type of instrument.

Other changes to the power unit include the adoption of a slightly longer connecting rod and the use of plain straightthrough exhaust pipes of I in. diameter instead of the ” stepped-up ” pipes of last year which, starting with i in. in diameter at the port, increased first to It in. and then to 2 in. at the outlet end.

The foot-operated gear-changing device which was used with such success in 1929 is, of course, retained for 1930 and has been improved in detail. The double pedal by which it is actuated is now located on the near side, a cross shaft being used to transmit the motion to the pawl mechanism on the off side of the machine. As a result of the alterations, the mechanism is less likely to be put out of adjustment in the event of a minor crash.

The only other change refers to the rear tyre which will be 3.25 in. section instead of the 3.00 in. used in 1929. The front cover is 27 in. by 3.00 in. as before. The dates of the races are as follow :

Race, Monday, June 16th. Race, Wednesday, June 18th. Race, Friday, June 20th.