EDITORIAL., June 1929



The principal feature of this issue is the report on the double twelve hour race, which, organized by the Junior Car Club, drew a large crowd to Brooklands on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 1 Rh. This race, the first of its kind to be run in this country, was very well supported, there being no less than fiftysix entrants. This kind of race for standard sports cars is becoming increasingly popular and it is a significant fact that more of them are being organised each season. We now hear that that famous American classic, the 500 mile Indianapolis race, will in future be for standard sports type of cars, which is very gratifying since the racing cars which have been produced in the last few years have been of little use for anything

except Grand Prix purposes, and now manufacturers will have a chance of concentrating on the production of super-efficient sports cars.

The sporting motorist will benefit very largely by this means in the long run, and one result will probably be the production of the now long overdue silent sports car. A few years ago the majority of sports cars were extremely noisy, and it is noticeable that the manufacturers now appear to be able to obtain the same degree of engine efficiency with very much less noise, both mechanical and exhaust.

The review of the 4%2 Litre Invicta, which is contained in this issue, will no doubt be of interest to our readers since the acceleration curve of this car is a nearer approach to a straight line than that of any other standard car we know. The International Tourist Trophy races have now become a matter of history, and soon after these lines are in print the fate of the entrants will be decided. The motor cycle manufacturers interested and the riders are naturally rather on edge at this time wondering how their machines will behave, and after months of careful preparation their efforts are re

arded or otherwise in a few hours.