

WE have received some very interesting particulars in regard to the recent flight of Squadron Leader Slator, who set out on March 8th on a flight to South Africa in the first new all metal Blackburn Bluebird Machine. We understand that no record was attempted, but with practically no preliminary testing, the machine started on this lengthy trip, and, apart from a slight defect in the petrol tank, which was rectified at Tunis, no trouble was incurred on the whole of this long distance flight, which shows that the Blackburn Aeroplane Co. have produced a particularly excellent machine. The Bluebird Mark IV is constructed of Metal and is supplied with interchangeable wheel, and float chassis, so that it may be used on land or sea. The wings are of single bay Biplane construction. The fusilage is made up of three distinct units easily disconnected for repair. The Bluebird is the only British Light Aeroplane fitted with an adjustable Tail Plane, the tail incidence being controllable

in the air, and on the ground, from the Cockpit. Petrol is supplied to the engine by gravity through Petroflex piping. The petrol tank holds 23 gallons, which is sufficient for 5 hours running. Three different engines are now being fitted to Bluebird Mark IV Machines, and it is interesting to note that with a Gipsy Engine fitted, a speed of 109 m.p.h. can be obtained. With Genet and

Cirrus III engines fitted, the maximum speeds are 98 m.p.h. and 107 m.p.h. respectively. These are top speeds at ground level.

Many sporting Motorists are now taking up flying, and there is no doubt that for those who can afford it, there are many attractions in owning a light aeroplane. In fact for the enthusiast who wishes to visit sporting events in various parts of England and the Continent, an aeroplane is essential. The Blackburn Bluebird Mark IV may be purchased with many useful fittings for under £800, which is an extremely moderate price for a high class machine of this character.