

As a result of arrangements made with the authorities concerned, the R.A.C. is now in a position to issue Customs papers to Members and Associate Members touring abroad for the following 31

countries :—Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Czecho-Slovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary. Irish Free State, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, and Yugo-Slavia.

A scheme is also in operation whereby in the event of a car or motor cycle breaking down and spare parts being required, these can be forwarded through the Club on receipt of a cable stating what is required. These and the other facilities offered by the R.A.C. are undoubtedly most valuable to motorists touring abroad, and are to a large extent the cause of the rapid growth in foreign touring during recent years.

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