THE annual classic hill-climb at Shelsley Walsh on May 4th, was this year supported by a

record entry, and attended by record crowd of spectators. There were few lulls in the proceedings, and altogether it was a very enjoyable afternoon.

The hill, which is in private grounds, has a maxii:lum gradient of 1 in 6 and is 1,100 yards in length.

There are two bends on the lower slopes of the hill followed by an S bend near the top, which all ccmbine to make the climb extremely tricky.

The first man up was H. J. Bertram on a 30-98 h.p. Vauxhall, who made a neat climb. Basil Eyston on a 15-85 supercharged Alfa Romeo was disappointing, whereas W. E. Harker on a supercharged Austin 7 made a very fast ascent. R. B. Durose on an unsupercharged car of the same make made a good steady climb. C. R. Whitcroft’s Brooklands Riley 9 appeared to be slightly too high geared, but B. Eyston driving another car of the same make made an excellent climb. J. Allan Arnold on a 11/2 litre supercharged Lea-Francis skidded rather badly on the S bend, but was extremely fast. E. Thomas on another Lea Francis did well and G. Summers on a 15-85 h.p. supercharged Alfa Romeo was very fast. W. D. Phillips on a 2 litre straight eight Bugatti tore up the hill, slithered round the S bend, and with a whine from his exhaust rushed on to the summit. E. R. H. Hill on a 2 litre Diatto, though much slower than the Bugatti, made a very good climb. Miss E.

V. Watson, on a 12-50 h.p. Alvis, made an extremely good climb, her cornering being very neat. G. Fairrie on a 2 litre Bugatti was very fast and cornered very well, as also did K. Dobson on a 41/2 litre Bentley.

So much for the touring and sports classes, now for the racing car class. B. H. Davenport driving his twin cylinder 1,500 c.c. Frazer Nash Spider,being last year’s winner, was first up. His speed was terrific, but in spite of magnificent driving. He just failed to equal his own record of last year by one-fifth of a second. His cornering appeared to us to be faster than ever and his car appeared to hold the road better. Raymond Mays’ driving his supercharged 3 litre Vauxhall Villers Special made second fastest time of the day, his driving being excellent, but his cornering appeared to be slower than usual. B. Cooke’s Austin Seven made a very neat climb, and H. C. Jones on

a 10 h.p. Avon Jap was very fast.