The Grand Prix D'Endurance.


The Grand Prix D’Endurance.

ENTRIES having definitely closed for the le Mans 24hour race, it is revealed that there will be 28 cars in the race, made up as follows :—Bentley, Rolland S.A.R.A., Aries and Fasto with three each ; Salmson, E.H.P., Tracta, Scap, G.M. and Th. Schneider with two each ; and Steyr with a single car. Of these, two S.A.R.A.’s and one Rolland-Pilain, Aries, Salmson and E.H.P. are qualified for the final of the third biennial cup. The number of entries is smaller for this race than for any of its predecessors, the figures for former years being :-1923, 35 entries, and 33 starters ; 1924, 63 entries and 49 starters ; 1925, 54 entries and 49 starters : 1926, 47 entries and 41 starters. This falling off in the number of entries is very regrettable from a sporting point of view, as this has been one of the best supported races of recent years. It is, however, such a very severe test of absolutely standard cars, that many manufacturers have probably discovered to their cost that discretion with regard to it is much the better part of valour : all the more credit therefore to those makers who are still willing to take part in it, and to show the public what their cars really will do instead of merely talking of improbable feats which can be performed by their productions. If the public would study

the results of this and similar races when buying their cars, it would not be long before the better cars would come into their own. It is regrettable, however, to notice the absence of last year’s winner of the Grand Prix d’Endurance, the Lorraine-Dietrich, and of the O.M. which won the last Rudge-Whitworth Cup. They probably hold something of a grudge against the organisers of the race for deciding first that one of them and then the other had won the cup ; but as each of them thus managed to advertise the fact that they had won it, there does not seem to be much ground for complaint ! Another notable absentee is the Peugeot, which made such a good showing last year, and which were only put out of the race by minor defects, one a broken wind-screen and the other a “

dead” battery. Their absence, however, will probably make the Bentleys, one of which marque won in 1924, start hot favourites.

The Bentley entry consists of two cars of the well known 3-litre type, and a third with a 4-cylinder engine of 100 x 140 mms. bore and stroke (4387 c.c.). This new engine will really consist of 4 cylinders of the 6-cylinder Bentley engine, which has the same bore and stroke.