
Doings,” a long, winding lane nearly a mile in length, with every kind of surface and difficult gradients. The nine observers stationed there had full cards. A secret check at the end of this section on the first circuit proved to be wisely planned. Another point which caused a lot of anxiety was Hayne Water, a splash with very little water, but possessed of an atrocious bottom. Results were as follows :—

Morrish Challenge Cup.—G. Savage (B.S.A.). Runner-up. R. A. Stickland (Scott) ; Silver Medals : J. Hann,

S. Tremaine, W. J. Wheaton ; Bronze Medals : J. Eddy, L. Ellis, P. Kiwi.

The runner-up actually tied with the winner, both retaining full marks and without time error, but the smaller engine capacity was the deciding factor.

A. C. ROBERTS, ” Enfield,” King’s Road, Honiton.


After several days’ heavy rain the trial for the President’s Cup was run on Sunday, April 18th. Nearly thirty riders faced the starter and were sent away at minute intervals. The first toll was taken at a Colonial section called Spuley, which was literally a sea of mud. So bad was the going that by the time Taxal, the first hill, was reached, 40 per cent, of the entry had retired. Performances on Taxal varied, but the palm must be given to H. Wheeldon (490 H.R.D.), for his sure and steady climb. G. Tw3,,ford (490 James) failed twice, as did H. Desborough (349 B.S.A.). A failure by G. Astbury (499 Ariel) was also unexpected. More arduous going followed to the lunch stop at Buxton, where an hour and a half’s respite was allowed. Three miles from lunch came the tit-bit of the day :

This was Blackamill Hill, a long rough but not too steep rise sheer from the river bank. The severity of this terror can be gauged from the fact that the entire band of survivors failed. H. Wheeldon and G. Astbury made gallant attempts, the latter no doubt aided by the special tyre he had fitted on the back wheel. Three more observed hills and a straight run home brought the tired competitors hack to Sale Hotel and

the finish.

PROVISIONAL RESULTS. President’s Cup H. Wheeldon (490 H.R.D.) W. E. Hill’s Cup J. H. Thomason (349 Rudge Sc.) Gold Medal G. Astbury (499 Arid)

Silver Medal P. G. Thomason (499 Triumph).

Bronze Medal T. Ward (348 Douglas) .

The Hon. Secretary’s address is :—Mr. N. S. Smith, 6, Springfield, Sale, Cheshire. The recent Chairman’s Cup Trial started from the Sale Hotel ; the course led via Styal and Wilmslow to Bollington, where the competitors were led by devious routes to Kettleshulme. During the next seven miles competitors had to trav erse three observed hills, a nonstop section, and a time check. On the first (christened ” Sphairlyesy “) the only two competitors to lose any marks were 17, T. Galway (499 Rudge), who footed ; and 19, G. Roscoe (249 Veloeette), who balanced ;

the remainder went up quite easily.

After passing ” Goldsgon Farmhouse,” what proved to be the worst hill of the day was encountered—” Upushit Bank “—which accounted for the loss of 20 marks to many competitors. After passing the time check—the position of which at the top of this hill caused nearly all the competitors to lose marks—only three at this point preserved clean sheets : 7, J. H Thomason (346 Rudge Sc.) ; 9, G. Astbury (497 Ariel) ; 16, H. W. Desborough (349 13 .S.A.) From the open check second-class roads led to Beeston Mount (re-christened ” Beestov amount “) via Pott Shrigley ; and owing to the wind having dried the surface

somewhat did not live up to its name. Incidents noted, however, were the fast and steady climbs of J. B.

Donaldson, P. G. Thomason, G. Astbury, H. Wood, T. Ward, S. W. Heywood, and H. W. Desborough. Of the sidecars, J. H. Thomason climbed well, but not so well or fast as M. Gavson (346 New Imperial Sc.) who rather startled the locals who had assembled on the hill to see the fun. V. Rocca here charged the wall and dislodged

a number of stones, much to the amusement of the aforesaid locals ; he also baulked J. Walton, who returned to the foot, and climbed with the loss of io marks for balancing. More second (and third) class roads led to ” Sphairlyard,” which, however, gave no trouble, and com

petitors finally arrived at Rudyard for the lunch check, where several were found wanting when asked to produce their watches, one or two being checked 20 minutes late !

Ravensclough was the next hill, and owing to overhanging trees the surface had not dried thoroughly, and one patch of mud cost H. W. Desborough and A. L. Richardson io marks each.

Mow Cop was taken by coming down New Mow Cop, and a left hairpin on to the steepest part of the old hill. This did not trouble those who took it slowly, and the observer went home with practically an empty book. Main roads, and an uneventful tea check taken at the “Angel Hotel,” Knutsford, finished the day at the Sale

Hotel, at 6.30, where the results given below were announced a few mintues after the arrival of the lastman. Award. Won by aths lost Chairman’s Cup G. Astbury (497 Ariel) Nil Gold MAal P. G. Thomason (494 Triumph) 27f Silver Medal M. Gavson (346 New Imperial Sc.)35 Bronze Medal H. Wood (499 Triumph) 421 Best performance by a Passenger Machine : j. H.Thomason-25


On May 20th a Tennis Tournament was held at the Hotel Beau Regard, Shillingford. The winners were Miss Ward and Mr. L. A. Welch. In the evening a Dance was held at the hotel.

On May 22nd a Motot Cycle Football Match took place between this Club and the Reading Motor Club at South Park, Headington, in connection with the British Legion Fete, resulting in a win for Reading by three goals to two, after an exciting game.

The Oxford Motor Club are again entering a team in the Maudes Amateur Inter-Club Team Trial to be held on June 5th.

A Golf Section is being organized in connection with this Club, and the first match is fixed for June 5th ; all members who replied to recent letters sent out with regard to this section will receive particulars in a few days.

Hon. Secretary, W. Mathews, 6, St. Aldate’s, Oxford.