Round the Clubs, June 1926



Honorary District Agents are appointed by “Motor Sport” to further the interest in the sporting side of motoring and motor cycling. We give on this page a list of the Honorary District Agents already appointed. Through these Honorary Agents we keep in touch with local events in all parts of the country, and with their co-operation we hope to increase the popularity of motor and motor

cycle sport. Honorary District Agents will be pleased, whenever possible, to give assistance to motorists and motor cyclists desirous of taking part in local events.

If you have any difficulty in obtaining “Motor Sport” in your neighbourhood, the nearest Honorary District Agent will inform you how you may obtain it.


The Club will hold its second Race Meeting of the season at Brooklands on Saturday, June 19th, commencing at 2 o’clock. There will be six events as follows :—

1 . Junior Short Handicap, 5/ miles.

2, Junior Long Handicap, 81 miles.

3. Lightning Short Handicap, 51 miles.

4. Lightning Long Handicap, 81 miles.

5. All-comers’ Handicap (closed event to members of the Surbiton Club), 4 laps.

6. 50 Miles Handicap for Cars up to 3,000 C.C.

Awards for first five events will be silver cups for the winners, and prizes 1,alued according to number of entries for second and third.

A 50-guinea Cup is offered for the winner of event 6, and valuable prizes for znd and 3rd.

A limited number of entries only will be accepted for the 50 Mile Race, and those interested should apply at once for entry forms to the Hon. Organiser, F. W. Barnes, Rex House, St. Andrew’s Square, Surbiton.


‘The above Club recently held a 50-Mile Non-Stop Trial over a semi-sporting course. Results :—

Silver Medal 1′. Allen (494 c.c. Triumph).

Bronze Medal S. A. Hunt (498 c.c. A. J .S.).

On July loth and lIth a 20-Hour Run—Abe BedfordYork-Bedford—will be held.

Starting at 10 p.m., the outward journey will follow the Great North Road, while the return journey will be made via the Peak district.

The entrance fee is 5s., and bronze medals and certificates will be awarded for standard performances.

Four other clubs have been invited, and a large entry is expected.


The third event of the above Club drew a record entry and proved a huge success. The premier award was the Morrish Challenge Cup, and Club Medal. The course was a double circuit of real ” cup ” stuff, and its difficulties were added to by heavy rain. Only three men succeeded in completing the course without footing, and the results showed a very small number of awards. The principal observed point was designated “Danes’