

The return of the Rudge to the T.T. Races is very welcome, though it is a pity that the entries are not direct from the factory. This make will always arouse tender memories in the hearts of pre-war motor cyclists, both by reason of its fine performance in the 1913 and 1914 races, and by its being the real forerunner of the modern sports single of good performance. In the 1913 Senior, Rudge-Multi machines at one time stood first, second and third, Abbott eventually finishing second only 5 seconds behind” Tim” Wood, on the Scott, this being the closest finish ever witnessed in the island.

The first week’s practising revealed a few surprises, most of the old-timers performed well, but contrary to expectations, the continental riders seemed quite at home on the course. This was particularly true in the case of P. Ghersi, on the Guzzi, whose second lap was accomplished in 39 minutes approximately. Later in the week the Bianchi, 350 c.c. mach:tie, lapped at 64 m.p.h.

A few crashes took place. Roy Charrnan broke his wrist as did G. Himing, and neither will be able to ride. Alec Bennett showed good form on the Velocette, lapping at 64 m.p.h.