
There were several new appearances on the track among the motor-cyele entrants. For instance, Kaye Don was seen back with a: bronzed O.E.C. Atlanta, which, however, did not come up to expectations. Capt. C. Bennett was handling another of the same breed.

In the first race Marchant appeared with a new O.H. Camshaft Chater-Lea which had a speed of somewhere near 8o m.p.h.

Ashby’s P. & M. was again seen, and was certainly running better than it did when it made its bow at the previous Meeting. He managed to get a good fourth in the second race. In this same event Jack Emerson returned to the track on Riddoch’s Zenith-Blackburne (i,000 c.c.), and got well away from the McEvoy Temple, albeit the latter was still troubled with carburation and succeeded in running in first with a good lead. A. G. Williams made a gallant attempt which placed him second, with Wheeler, on a Douglas, third. Emerson’s speed was 100.4 average.

In the private owner’s handicap, C. S. Sta,niland (588 c.c. Norton Sc.) won by about 25 yards, and in the last race ran second to Baragwanath’s S.S. roo outfit which with Le Vack as godfather had it all its own way.

C. W. Lacey, riding his Cotton Jap, which was a masterpiece of paint and polish (not all outside either), finished fifth in the five lap race, and we mention him because he steadily pulled himself up from a heavy handicap, and he really deserved a place. He will have great difficulty in doing so, however, until his handicap is enlarged. Unfortunately his machine is so consistent as to give the handicappers an easy task at present.

Coming to the car entries, we find in contrast to the motor cycles, a small number but of good vintage.

All the events were won at over go m.p.h,, which gave the spectators, of whom we would have seen a larger number by the way, all the excitement they wished for.

Dr. Benjafield’s Bentley won a good race overtaking the Vauxhall driven by Barclay and the ( N. in the hands of the Champion. J. 0. P. Thomas finished fourth in the I litre Thomas Special. Mrs. Duller driving her Amilcar, with a good start, gradually dropped to the last place.

In the second race, Woolf Barnato on an IndianapolisBugatti was well away from the Isotta driven by L. Champion, and Gedge in the smallest Thomas Special.

The Vauxhall obtained its revenge in the next car race by beating the Bentley, while Mrs. Duller was beaten by half a wheel by her husband’s car (scratch), a Bugatti.

Le Champion’s Isotta Maybach won the last race by about 50 yards from the Leyland Thomas and the Lanthester with Howey up. The latter was carrying a small infant round for a ” trial run.”


The Speed Trials held by thisClub on Saturday, April 25th, were very successful, and an almost record entry was received. In the Car Classes, G. Pemberton with a 30-98 h.p. Vauxhall put up fastest time, winning both his classes. C. Dodson, 1,100 c.c. G.N., won both classes for machines

under 1,600 c.c., and also obtained second place in the unlimited classes. The special award for the fastest amateur in each car class went to J. Jackson, Amilcar, in all classes entered. In the motor cycle classes great interest was taken in the times of F. T. Hatton, 733 c.c. Douglas, and

E. Searle, 490 c.c. Norton, Searle winning both the 55o c.c. solo classes, but had to take second place to Hatton in the following classes. In the flying start classes, however, it was only by a margin of i /16 second that Hatton managed to beat Searle and thus gain fastest tm?. of the day. Searle won all eight sidecar classes in nice style, second place being secured by L. Slater on another Norton. N. Houlding won the 350 c.c. Sidecar Classes with a 348 C.C. Toreador. A Saville made a brilliant showing in running into third place in the standing start classes for machines over 350 c.c. and securing all Special Amateur Awards in the classes entered, this for his first attempt on the Stalybridge Course was, in the writer’s opinion, one of if not the best performance of the day. C. Waterhouse, 493 c.c. Sunbeam, secured several places, but was not quite fast enough to secure

anything higher up than a second place. His consistent running is however very good as in all Club events he is seldom far away from first place. As soon as the meeting was over rain fell heavily. The Club will be holding Speed Trials on May 23rd, and although this date will clash with 200 miles Sidecar Race, it is not expected that it will be to any disadvan tage in that very few Northern riders will be competing at Brooklands. For this event a Silver Cup will be awarded for the competitor making fastest time of the day, car or motor cycle. A Special Award will be made in every class for the fastest Amateur. A Gold Medal will be awarded to the competitor who creates a new

record for the course. Present record is r61 secs. Distance one-third mile. An additional class is being included in the car section for cars not exceeding 1,100 C.C.

The course is the one used last year, e.g. a Private Road with an ideal concrete surface, fast and safe.

Electrical timing is used in conjunction with a Stop Watch timing to i /16 sec. Standing and flying starts are given, and the entry fees are very reasonable.


The opening event of the Liverpool Motor Club’s 1925 Season attracted a larger entry than any previous fixture—a fact worth recording as reflecting the increasing public interest taken in the activities of Lancashire’s premier motor club.

The Queensferry and Chester cross-roads presented an animated appearance when close on 200 cars and motor-cycles of every description—from a super-sports Rolls-Royce to a r h.p. Excelsior junior—were marshalled outside the Two Mills Garage for the start of a simple 30-mile paperchase in Cheshire. A feature of the event was the presence of over twenty lady competitors, on machines ranging from i h.p. twostrokes to four-seater cars. One was also pleased to note that the hon. secretaries of other clubs were amongst the competitors.

On such a simple course stirring incidents were not to be expected. Nevertheless the various hedges held a subtle attraction for many, including N. C. Sclater, Junr. (350 Rudge sidecar) and Miss Bell (1.47 Excelsior), who put their machines through “without intent,” whilst a Douglas rider simply crashed. Another competitor, on an A.J.S., riding abreast R. Leicester (3.98 Raleigh), locked handlebars, with the usual result. In no case was damage done, and all resumed. En route for the start the sidecar of M. Baxter’s 3.50 P. & P.— intended for the Pressman, but fortunately empty— shot off its chassis, the rider continuing—solo. One or two 1925 model productions were observed, but none of startling design, and no one tried to enter on a pushbike. The weather was very favourable to the event, and the organization was excellent. The big entry of 178 augurs well for the success of the Club’s other interesting fixtures. Though there were a very large number of car-owners competing, all the awards were won by motor-cyclists. In view of the ease with which a cat may be run in to a check dead slow, this reflects to the credit and skill of the successful motor-cycle competitors. It is worthy of note that novices swept the board, mostly on A.J.S. machines, and this should encourage others to try their luck—and machines. Full details of coming events may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary or other officials of the Club.



B. McWhannall, Rock Ferry (2-1 A.J.S.).


S. Waller, Liverpool (7 A.J.S. sidecar).


Miss Sylvia Williams (21 A.J.S.). PM I-GALLON TINS Or OAK MOTOR OIL (S. BANNER & Co.,


J. L. Gregory, Preston (21 Edmund B. & S.).

A. Baines, Shotton (31 B.S.A.).

F. Smith, Liverpool (21 A.J.S.).

E. W. Taylor, Liverpool (3i B.S.A.).

R. W. Fry, Wallasey (2f A.J.S.).

J. Jameson Green, Junr., Hon. Press Secretary, 6, Bentley Road, Oxton, Birkenhead.