Round the Clubs, June 1925


Round the Clubs


Mr. L. A. Welch, a member of this Club, gained a Gold Medal in the recent A.C.U. 1,000 Miles Six Days Standard Stock Motor Cycle Trial. He was also awarded a Gold Medal f3r Ms performance in the recent LondonLand’s End Reliability Trial. Mr. Welch rides a 2.92 O.K. Junior. Mr. Cecil Kimber was also awarded a Gold Medal for his performance in the London—Land’s End Trial, driving a Morris Super Sports.

The Club entered a team in the Surbiton Reliability Trial for the Maudes’ Challenge Shield. They did not experience any mechanical stop, but owing to the indifferent marking of the route, unfortunately a good many of the competitors in. this Trial lost their way, therefore not arriving at the stated check at the time required. In the recent Reliability Trial held by this Club an excellent route was arranged by the Trials Secretary, Mr. E. A. Pudsey Dawson, around the Berkshire Downs, and the awards were as follows :

Silver Medal. L. A. Welch. Bronze Medal. T. A. Barrett. Bronze Medal. E. T. Alden.

Mr. L. A. Welch was awarded a special Silver Cup for the best performance, kindly presented by Dr. Sankey. Hon. Secretary, Wilfrid Mathews.

O.K. Junior. 348 c.c. Cotton.

Sports Triumph Car.


The First Reliability Trial of the above Club was held on Sunday, the 3rd of May, for the Club’s Bronze Trophy. There was quite a large number of entries, and the day could not have been better for the purpose. Additional interest was added to the competition as the holder of this beautiful trophy had held it for two years and was anxious to retain it.

The course of the trial was from Newcastle to MOrpt th, through by Weldon Bridge to Wooler, Wooler to Berwick, and Berwick by the main road back to Newcastle. There were two secret checks and two non-stop sections.

Going outward, the competitor who was running well on to time through the secret check was J. J. Oxley with his “Hillman Sports,” with G. Dowsett on a “Scott’s Combination,” standing a good second. After the nonstop section and final check at Berwick, however, G. W. Green on his” Dene Combination,” G. C. Urwin on his “B.S.A.” and W. Milne, Junr., on his B.S.A., had all done good time. On the return journey there was very consistent running by J. J. Oxley on his” Hillman,” G. C. Urwin on his” B.S.A.” and N. Moore on his ” Dene.” The final check, however, showed that Mr. G. C. Urwin on his “B.S.A.” was first, Mr. J. J. Oxley with his ” Hillman ” Sports second, Mr. Norman Moore, the holder, with his ” Dene ” Combination,” third, with

Mr. McCullagh with his “Buick,” Mr. Jennings with his ” Darracq,” and Mr. Leatherland with his “Morris,” taking Bronze Medals, fourth, fifth and sixth. These results, of course, are provisional and subject to confirmation by the Sports Committee of the Club.

Hon. Secretary, Ernest VVillan, 42, Gray Street, Newcastle.


There was unprecedented excitement et Dymchurch recently, when the acrobatic section of the West Kent Motor Club performed meritorious feats on the sands. The attendance was about 30 and the “flying squad” lived up to its name, by arriving well ahead of its time, after losing its way and thirty minutes of running time. A crowd of 300 enjoyed the numerous displays of ability, agility and trickery. Jeff Bull on his Norton ” Amphibion ” combination was too optimistic ; he was describing huge circles at speed, when he entered the sea and was lost to view ; he and his partner returned like dejected mermaids.

” Tiny ” Blackman just showed the world how to ride a combination with the sidecar wheel three feet in the air, at the same time Wilson-Smith was testing to the utmost his Zenith outfit, by accelerating to 35 m.p.h. and turning round in his own length ; he was lucky, the frame won ! There are limits to trick riding ; Cook (o.h.v., B.S.A.) was trying his throttle when be disappeared in a cloud of spray ; investigation proved that he, unknowingly, had jumped a river in the sand twelve feet wide and three feet deep, he very skilfully kept his seat, landing on dry sand, wetter and wiser. The final turn was agreed by all the most spectacular, when a mystery combination looped the loop in convincing style ; unfortunately the driver and passenger omitted to strap themselves in, this spoilt the effect. Rain terminated a most enjoyable day.


The above Club organised a Handicap Reliability Trial on Sunday, April 26th, the route consisting of all main roads, and the total mileage was 104. There were no secret checks, and to do away with the monotony of continuous riding to time at all controls there was no margin allowed, seconds early or late being debited. Twenty competitors took part, and the results were as follows :—

I. (Oak Striking Clock). H. A. Davison. 4i h.p. P. & M. and Sidecar. Error 132.

2. S. Hirst. 3i h.p. P. & M. Panther and Sidecar. Error 97 + so Handicap.

3. J. W. Mortimer. 34 h.p. P. 8z M. Error 104 + 50 Handicap.


The “Follow My Leader” Run fixed for Saturday, March 21st, was duly carried out. This was the first event of the Season, and was well supported.

The start was made at Abingdon, and the route embraced some of the most picturesque parts of the “Berkshire Downs, the same being planned by Mr. D. Edwards, of Abingdon, who knows the district well, and thanks are due to him for not only arranging a very sporting course, but taking competitors into almost unexplored parts of the Berkshire Downs.

Mr. E. T. Alden started seven minutes before the competitors, and in the main the competitors followed the trail throughout, although many delays occurred owing to false trails cleverly arranged. About 35 miles from the start the ” hare ” was caught by Messrs. A. T. Barrett and R. W. Walker, both on Cotton machines, and they are to be congratulated on their experienced riding. The winner of the Sidecars was Mr. J. U. Thorburn, on a Rudge Combination, and the Car award was won by Mr. W. A. Mathews, on a Morris Oxford, after rather an exciting duel with Mr. E. N. Knowles, on his Wolseley


Mr. E. A. Pudsey Dawson; the Trials Hon. Secretary, is to be congratulated as Organizer of the event.

About 6o competitors and friends sat down to tea at the Bear Hotel, Wantage, and a general wish was expressed that a similar competition be repeated as soon as possible. Such competitions are intended as semi-sporting social events ; also it gives members an excellent opportunity of getting into unexplored country which they would never be able to plan from a guide-book or map.


A very good entry of 44 competitors was received for the Invitation Cup Trial open to members of the above clubs, which was organised by the North London M.C.C. The course, starting from the Red Lion Hotel, Hatfield, was not difficult in view of the perfect weather conditions, although the organisers’ expressions were noticed to become decidedly more cheery whenever a threatening cloudbank appeared. Their wishes were, however, not granted. Following some lanes, interspersed with main road section, for about 10 miles, the competitors reached a point beyond Ware, where a circuit 21 miles in length and which had to be covered twice began. Just when one was inclined to admire the scenery, a lady marshal in a very determined manner waved one round a right hand hairpin, through a gate, and on to a track of the three rut variety known as the Farm section. If one rode in the right rut a fairly safe passage was assured, otherwise— Well, seven falls were recorded among the motor cycle competitors. A little further, another proof of the organizers’ superlative cunning was forcibly brought home to the competitors when they discovered that what looked like innocent straw was really camouflage for more ruts. A greasy section further on, made

even more difficult by awkward _bends and the close proximity of hedges and fences, called for very skilful driving. More lanes led to BarWick Ford where, although the water was only three inches deep (in places), quite a number of clean sheets were spoilt, no fewer than 16 failures being recorded on the first circuit, and seven on the second. High Cross Hill was the most severe acclivity, but in spite of a very loose hairpin on the worst gradient which caused some very anxious expressions, no failures were recorded. A secret check taken during the first circuit had to be taken into consideration in order to find the winner of the premier awards, and a known check at the end of the first circuit disclosed several competitors early or late.

The course was excellently marked and the success of the trial was due in no small measure to the efforts of Mr. H. R. Harveyson and those ladies and gentlemen who so ably assisted as marshals and observers. As an inter-club trial the results were most gratifying, and it has been decided to hold another event of this nature in the near future.

A party 78 strong sat down to tea at the conclusion of the events and the winners of the premier awards were announced (provisionally and subject to protests).


5th London Rally of Motorists, Alexandra Palace. Harveyson Cup Trial. (Invitations to this event have been extended to Wood Green and District M.C., North-West London M.C.C., B.S.A.M.C.C. and City of London M.A.) Marks INVITATION AND STALEY CuP RESULTS. Lost. L. P. Walter, North London M.C.C., 976 Matchless S.C. 1

RUNNER UP SILVER MINIATURE CUP. *H. B. Shutes, North London M.C.C. 3139 Buick

SILvuR MEDALS. R. T. Bowen, North London M.C.C., 346 New Hudson 2 H. A. Farmer, North-West London M.C.C., 976 Enfield S.C. … ••• • •• • •• … 2 G. J. Burton, North-West London M.C,C.,i496 Alvis … 2 H. W. Bostock, North London M.C.C., 348 Beardmore Precision • .• ••• ••• ••• ••• •• • 8 T. W. Sullivan, North London M.C.C., 532 Scat … P. Lindsey White, City of London M.A., noo Eric Campbell … … … ••• — … 8 A. Pollard, North London M.C.C., 748 Austin… •• . 6 S. B. Harris, North-West London M.C.C., 2120 Sun beam… •.. ••• ••• • • • • • • • -4 E. M. Meeson, North-West London M.C.C., 2385 Bean 5

*Lost two marks at secret check. Mon., June 1st

Sat., June 6th… 4


This meet of the South Eastern Centre really deserves a very full report, but as space is limited and, to be paradoxical, the news is old, a short notice will be the extent of the review. Despite a rush of last minute entries and the usual other difficulties which assail the organizers of such meetings, the events were run off smoothly, and the fact that car And motor-cycle classes were alternatively

put over” did much to keep the general interest from flagging.