For all sporting events


For all sporting events SUNBEAMS are supreme

SUNBEAMS are famous all over the world for their extreme reliability -without which a fast sporting machine is of little use. The long distance road-racing season has now started on the continent, and already Sunbeams have won the 1925 Italian Circuit of Brescia (350 c.c. and 500 c.c.), the French Circuit de l’Aisne (fastest time of all classes), the Grand Prix of Baden (Austria) and the Grand Prix of Styria.

ON May 17th, Sunbeam riders made a clean sweep of the Hungarian Tourist Trophy races, being first in the Junior race and for the second year running being first and second in the Senior race. TWO amateurs on Sunbeams won seven firsts and two

seconds in races from 1 to 25 miles in the Swansea Speed Trials. The Galli) Plaque for fastest amateur at the Hereford Speed Trials was won on a Sunbeam, and Sunbeam amateur riders have already in 1925 won a large number of other cups and trophies, including the Midland Cup, four special awards in the Travers Trophy Trial, and the Championships of the Eastern and the North-Western A.C.U. Centres. FOR speed on the track a private owner, Mr. A. G. Williams, leads the way on his Sunbeam. At the members’ meeting of the B.M.C.R.C., at Brooklands, on April 1 1 th, he won the

500 c.c. scratch race at 88.62 m.p.h.

beating all corners. IT is SUNBEAM QUALITY which makes possible such outstanding performances as these. This is the prime feature of every Sunbeam. It makes them responsive and enables their riders to take the maximum advantage of every atom of skill they possess, whether in tuning or handling, The Sunbeam is THE MACHINE FOR THE AMATEUR New 1925 complete illustrated catalogue post free from JOHN MARSTON LIMITED,