1960 Goodwood Easter Monday meeting: You were there

Give me Goodwood on an Easter day… Some 55,000 people came to the Sussex track for this opening 1960 meet. Colin Weston was there too, capturing all the action

Lola Climax of MW Keens in the pits at Goodwood 1960

Elegant Lola-Climax of LW Keens stops for attention. Note Le Mans start markings on the straight

Stirling Moss at Goodwood 1960

Stirling Moss entered three races, unusually coming second in both the F1 (in a Cooper) and F2 (Walker Porsche) events

Harry Schell Yeoman Cooper at Goodwood 1960

Harry Schell didn’t fare well, suffering a broken throttle link on his Yeoman Cooper

Yeoman Credit Cooper of Chris Bristow at Goodwood 1960

Chris Bristow brought his Yeoman Credit Cooper home third in the Glover Trophy F1 race

Arden Sports cars Lotus 15 at Goodwood 1960

Arden Sports Cars (not the team started by Christian Horner!) entered this Lotus 15

Aston Martin DBR1 of Jim Clark at Goodwood 1960

With an FJ victory under his belt, Jim Clark drove the Border Reivers Aston Martin DBR1 in the big sports car race, leading for a while before the car began to ail and he retired

“The enormous crowd, got excellent value for their ticket-money. Not only did 101 aeroplanes land there, but the racing was first class, with lap records falling all over the place.”

Read the original Motor Sport report from the 1960 Goodwood Easter Monday Meeting, including Innes Ireland’s great battle with Stirling Moss

Read here


Innes Ireland leads Stirling Moss in the 1960 Goodwood Easter Monday meeting
Cooper Climax of Bruce Halford at Goodwood 1960

Bruce Halford (later a regular in vintage racing) pauses in the pitlane in his F2 Cooper-Climax. The Surbiton cars couldn’t match the Lotus and Porsche up front

Graham Hill BRM P48 at Goodwood 1960

Graham Hill’s mid-engined BRM P48 didn’t star in the F1 race but he did collect one of the new ‘Goodwood Ton’ awards for a 100mph lap

Innes Ireland at Goodwood 1960

In his Motor Sport report Bill Boddy called Innes Ireland “the new ace” when he beat Moss in the Formula 1 race

Henry Taylor Laystall Climax at Goodwood 1960

Henry Taylor’s F2 Laystall-Climax started life as a Lotus 12 but highly modified with a Laystall gearbox and Cooper front suspension

Climax motor in Cooper at Goodwood 1960

Climax motor of Peter Westbury’s Cooper will later be replaced by a Daimler V8 to make a successful hillclimber

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