Historic racer: MGB Roadster


A new season should always bring hope, but for Ed Foster it yielded mostly frustration

The view from the outside of Graham Hill Bend at Brands Hatch is a great place to watch racing. I only know this as I found myself there after needing some solitude during an MGB race weekend.

Regular readers will remember that BRX 855B underwent some quite serious work over the winter and the Equipe GTS races at Brands Hatch on April 28/29 were its first proper tests. To recap, the engine was totally rebuilt, the gearbox was rebuilt, the suspension was renewed and the braking system was overhauled. I would write down the full cost, but it is still too painful.

Roy Gillingham of Chequered Flag Classics did a fantastic job on the rebuild, but what followed at Brands Hatch was a wonderful example of luck so rotten, it stank. In Friday testing the old clutch was slipping in third and fourth. The last three (of four) sessions were a write off and Roy took the engine and ’box out to discover the clutch plate was breaking up. It was absolutely fine on the rolling road, but had finally had enough. Roy, in typically calm fashion, fixed it and the car was ready and waiting come Saturday morning. A dodgy alternator halted us in the first qualifying session and then, in the first of four races, the freshly rebuilt gearbox decided to eat itself into one large, noisy, expensive mess. It was after this I wandered off to Graham Hill to watch the race I was supposed to be in.

The gearbox was sent off to a separate company for rebuild and it seems that the gears (particularly third) were tired. Third went, which then bent the layshaft, which means a new gear set is needed. Not an easy, or cheap, fix with the estimate at £2600.

It was after discovering this that co-driver Nick Trott messaged to ask whether I’d like him to do a costings sheet on what I’ve spent. I asked him not to. I hope readers have enjoyed the trials and triumphs of our racing career. It has certainly been an experience and the MGB will ride again, of course. Now, excuse me while I call my bank manager.

Thanks to: Thanks to Roy Gillingham and Chequered Flag Classics for working around the clock to get the car on track at Brands Hatch