Inside the Paddock


Racing car transporters at work
by David Cross with Bjorn Kjer

Big split in the ofice over this: some who just don’t get it, and the rest of us who fought over it. If you’re in camp B, prepare for a luscious van-fest of the trailers, trucks, coaches and haulers of every size and shape that have carted racing cars around between Brooklands and Bahrain.

Cross doesn’t waste much time on today’s featureless breeze-blocks, and who would when there’s the Cunningham Fageol, the glorious Pegaso and BRM’s kneeling Land-Rover to drool over.

Inevitably information is sparse on some, but others such as the Lotus ‘HMS Hethel’ or Tyrrell’s wreck-salvaged Cuban coach boast the full story. At the back are a selection of paddock scenes and an index of manufacturers and coachbuilders. Not cheap, perhaps, but nicely presented, unique and fascinating. GC

Published by Dalton Watson Fine Books, ISBN 978 1 85443 254 4, £59