The Motor Sport Month - FIA


Too many series for Todt
Jean Todt has made it clear that he’s not happy with the myriad of single-seater championships between karting and Formula 1.

The FIA president wants to streamline the path between the two, to make it less confusing for young drivers and those judging talent.

Last November the FIA World Motor Sport Council created a Single Seater Commission to take on the task under the presidency of Barry Bland, best known as the Macau GP organiser.

Todt said: “There is so much confusion, too many categories, commercial, not commercial. From go-karts to F1, young guys should know the way to go.”

It’s not clear whether Todt supports the FIA F2 series, a pet project of predecessor Max Mosley, which is a route to an F1 Superlicence. See Motor Racing’s ‘Money Tree’, page 96