Right of reply


We asked for your opinions, and you responded. And frankly we were surprised: Max Mosley’s inflammatory remarks in last month’s issue about the sport we all love seemed to cause less stir among you than the magazine’s redesign — there was even some support for the FIA president’s views on racing, or indeed not racing, old cars.

If our Letters pages seem highly approving of the new look it’s not that we’re congratulating ourselves; the responses genuinely were overwhelmingly supportive — and that was concerning the content, not just the return of the green cover. We consider every comment, though, including the critical ones, because fine-tuning an institution like Motor Sport is a two-way process, and our readers are part of that.

Among many changes here, one of the most significant is that this is the last issue to be edited by Marcus Simmons, who is leaving to pursue a freelance path. Although Marcus was Editor for a relatively short time, he made his influence show in the magazine. He will continue to write for us on his favourite subjects, and we will introduce the new Editor next month.

Last month Marcus asked for ideas about using our remaining red Motor Sport stickers. We had plenty… but we liked the suggestion that we send out green stickers so readers could ‘doctor’ their red issues. We’ll think about it.

Gordon Cruickshank, Deputy Editor