Charade 1958 - 2002


by Patrice Besquet
ISBN 2 9149820 06 7
Published by Editions du Palmier, 52 Euros

With the subtitle ‘The Most Beautiful Circuit in the World’, you’ll no doubt be looking for heaps of lovely scenic shots of the Clermont-Ferrand track that even the non-French reader could enjoy. But they’re not here. The copious photos are almost all close-ups, with the same attention given to clubbies as to the spectacular grands prix held there in the place’s heyday.

The sinuous French track’s history is thoroughly aired (in French only), with tons of race results and local officials all given their due, but the layout is bitty and variable; in places the results tables overwhelm the pictures.

This is a shame, because this swooping miniature Nürburgring, sparked by a bold initiative involving the stalwart French racing driver Louis Rosier, is an inspiring place to visit, and still offers a challenge today in its truncated form

A useful reference, therefore, but not a browse. GC