Spec saver



l am hoping one of your readers can help me with some photographs or drawings of any 1965/6 F2 Lola T60s, which will assist me further in the accurate restoration of mine. For example, we are chasing the specification of the extractors/exhaust for the 1-litre SCA engine. Any drawings or information would help enormously. For instance, was the monocoque painted the usual ‘English’ chassis grey, or black, as we believe?

I was at your fabulous Goodwood Festival in 2001 and spoke with a couple of chaps tending Sir Jack Brabham’s priceless 1966 F2 Brabham-Honda, now owned by the Honda Museum. They claimed to have been involved in the mid-1960s F2 scene and were most interested in my Lola, but sadly I have mislaid their names due to a stolen suitcase in transit. Hopefully someone may know them?

This era of Formula Two motor racing is seemingly overlooked by most in favour of F1 and saloon car racing. I was in my early 20s as a ‘working Oz tourist’ in England in those days and never missed a race meeting anywhere.

My Lola, chassis SL 60/2, is well documented, and was driven by John Surtees, Frank Gardner, Tony Maggs, Paul Hawkins et al before it found its way to Ireland, then New Zealand and eventually to Oz, where it gained a twin-cam for a while, until I located it in a farm shed. It was almost complete, including a rebuilt SCA, but in need of much love.

I hope to take the car to UK in early 2004, when restoration is completed, and leave it there for occasional visits and race meetings (I have raced for many years, especially in tin-tops), but do not wish to be accused of any specification discrepancies. I know how fussy you chaps are, so any relevant items of information, no matter how small, will be very much appreciated, if only to confirm our own research.

I am, yours etc,
Rob Tweedie, Sydney, Australia