Polite gesture



Fangio definitely let Moss win! It was a wonderful gesture and appreciated by all who saw it. Three friends and I were in the stand on the last bend before the final straight. Sir Stirling came round the bend, hotly pursued by Fangio who was rapidly gaining. As they were rounding the bend Fangio was about to pass Moss on his outside when he lifted off quite deliberately to allow Moss to keep clear ahead. It was a lift of the throttle, or a dab on the brakes, and it was obvious to us all. We immediately understood what he had done and cheered both the drivers.

Whether it was team orders one will never know but it very much looked like an instant decision on Fangio’s part, and his later reticence would seem to back that idea up. This episode would probably not have been seen by Sir Stirling in his mirrors.

It was an unforgettable moment.

I am, yours etc,
Philip Page, Blakeney, Norfolk