Walker slip-up allows White-wash


HSCC/VSCC: Silverstone

Ghastly weather blighted the joint HSCC/VSCC Historic Silverstone weekend in May, with drivers battling the elements more than each other.

A spin from leader Philip Walker (Lotus 16) handed the Hawthorn Memorial Trophy Race win to the energetically driven Cooper-Bristol of Kenneth White.

Walker suffered similarly in an absorbing Hawthorn International Trophy. He led the early stages in a Lotus 15, albeit pressured hard by John Harper’s Cooper Monaco. With the gap narrowing, Walker missed a gear at Becketts allowing Harper to grab the lead. Undaunted, Walker fought back, only to spin at Abbey and allow Harper through to win. Ted Williams’ Cooper Monaco took third.

John Ure’s ERA R9B prevailed in the Hawthorn Spanish Trophy, but only by a whisker from Mark Gillies’ Riley Treen.

A faultless drive by Julian Majzub netted the Boulogne Trophy in his Bentley Pacey-Hassan, with Jeff Stow’s Bugatti T35 his nearest opposition.

Another notable win came from Edwin Jowsey in his Formula 5000 Lola T400 in the Derek Bell Trophy Race, which was run in awful weather conditions. PL