Don't forget Peter



Having undertaken numerous ‘Sunday drives in the Eifel’ over the past five decades to watch racing on the ‘Ring, I share Tony Brooks’ “all-consuming passion” for that “gladiatorial arena”, though purely as a spectator. That’s why I thoroughly enjoyed his story of the 1957 Niirburgring 1000Kms. The first thing which struck me when I saw the photograph on page 27 was of course that beautiful scene with a relaxed Peter Collins reading some magazine and handsome Louise looking-at the photographer, both of them showing no interest for the Testa Rossas, Hawthorns, Tavonis, Ugolinis, Crombacs, etc. to their left.

Michael Turner’s painting shows a curve on the Nordschleife which is tragically connected with Peter Collins, Pflanzgarten. Fortunately none of them knew what would happen here one year later, thus giving a sad component to just another superb Sunday drive in the Eifel by Tony Brooks.


Heinz Matheisen, Borkum, Germany