Miscellany, July 1998


The 750 MC National Austin 7 Rally takes place at Beaulieu on July 5, when every version of the famous Seven will assemble in the grounds of the National Motor Museum. The guests are expected to include Lord Austin’s grandson, Gerald Lambert and if you tire (as if you could!) of endless line-ups of A7s there is to be a display of off-shoots such as Jaguar, Jensen, Lotus and Marcos. Details from K Cooke, on 01438 227 354.

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We receive many queries, a recent one from America asking what the Dog House Club was. The reader had bought its badge from Sotheby’s in 1988, ex-Rivers-Fletcher but could not identify it. Did I know what it was?

There used to be a useful Press Box in the old Silverstone Paddock, which I used frequently. But one wet day I opened its door to be confronted by lots of chattering ladies, one knitting a jumper, and was told I couldn’t come in. “This is now used by the Dog House Club,” I was informed. It was a bitter blow to my race reporting; I still have not quite forgiven them! The ladies were the wives of F1 racing drivers, who gave good, quite daring, winter cabarets for charity and gamely supported their husbands’ activities. As they still do, I believe…