Clark memorial



Many of your readers will have recalled cherished memories after reading the various articles published to mark the 25th anniversity of the death of Jim Clark. Although everybody knows that Jim was a Scotsman, it is not common knowledge that Jim was born a Fifer in the village of Kilmany.

Fife motorsport enthusiasts have long thought that a memorial to Jim Clark should be located in his birth place. Plans are now far advanced to erect a lifesize bronze statue in the park at Kilmany where he played as a young boy. The park is approximately 200 metres from the farm where he was born.

The sculpture is being created by the eminent Scottish artist David Annand, who coincidently lives and has his studio in Kilmany. The statue is based on Mrs Clark’s favourite photograph of her son, and shows him walking about the pits in racing overalls. The maquette of the statue was enthusiastically approved by Mr and Mrs Clark.

Sculpting, casting and erecting the bronze will cost approximately £25,000. While a proportion of this money is being raised locally, many of your readers may wish to make a financial contribution towards the cost of this worthy endeavour. Contributions should be sent to The Treasurer, Jim Clark Memorial Appeal, St Margarets, Monimail Rd, Letham, by Cupar, Fife KY7 7RR.

Dakers Fleming,
Appeal Chairman,
Dunblane, Perthshire.