Miller's Collectors Cars 1993/1994. Miller's Publications, £16.99


By the time something like this has completed its trip from final proofs to hardback book, market values can fluctuate. All the same, it can be useful, when used sagely. The publisher stresses throughout that it should only be used as a rough guideline, rather than a definitive list. Some would argue that not all the contents are exactly what you would call collectable, though there is presumably someone who finds the Ford Corsair irresistible… The subject matter is certainly varied, from £150 Cortina MkIs and £250 2CVs to telephone number Bugattis and Bentleys.

Such diversity actually makes it an appealing reference work, as the comprehensive use of illustrations means that is a valuable means of model identification.

Not what it was designed for, of course, but useful to know. S A