V-to-C miscellany, July 1993, July 1993


Another aero-engined hybrid to add to the burgeoning interest in such cars is this fine Type CO2 40/50hp Delage chassis with a rare V12 130 x170mm (27-litre) Hispano Suiza S7 12MB engine, which should be ready for testing towards the end of the year. We hear that there is a move afoot to form an Aero-Engined Car Club, as a quite informal affair with an annual gathering and a bi-annual news-sheet. Contact Mark Walker, 1 Chapel St, Swinford, Lutterworth, Leics. LEI 7 6AZ, who campaigns so successfully the Curtiss vee eight-engined Monarch.


The International Rally for Morris cars, that most British of makes, organised by the Morris Register, will be held at the pleasant setting of Stanford Hall near Rugby, on August 21/22. The Register publishes an excellent magazine, edited by historian Harry Edwards, and the membership secretary is Arthur Peeling, 171 Levita House, Chalton Street, London NW1 1HR.