VSCC Northern Rally


The VSCC is anything but insular, organising events in England, Wales and Scotland, and on May 2 holding a rally in the north of the country, at Buxton. The 75 entrants and their navigators seem to have been set a tough task, judging by the paucity of those who gained awards. The JR Potter Trophy was won by the Knellers in their 1930 Riley 9. J Potter, navigated by S Hughes in a 1930 Lea-Francis, took the Northern Weekend Jug and the Newcomers’ Award went to the Bothamleys in their 1924 3-litre Bentley. A single point separated the first and second finishers. Apart from these, who also took First Class Awards, the Baxters Ford took a Second Class Award and Third Class Awards were won by the Faulkner’s Alvis and Miss Thorpe and R Thorpe in an A7.