Multi-Union II



I was shocked and horrified to read the letter from Mr Barker (Motor Sport, May 1988) concerning the fate of Multi-Union II, and I was appalled that an historic car such as this should be vandalised in this manner. l am now deeply sorry that l ever parted with it.

As far as I can recall, W C Devereux never drove that car. His patronage was of relatively short duration, and when he withdrew his support Chris Staniland asked me to assist him in return for a half-share in the car itself— a proposition to which I agreed immediately. Following the tragic death of Staniland in 1942 I became the sole owner.

I have always regarded the Multi-Union as being both a tribute and a memorial to Chris Staniland, its outstanding driver, and to J S (Woolly) Worters, who transformed an Alfa Romeo Type B Monoposto into one of only three cars ever to lap Brooklands in excess of 140 mph (142.30 to be precise, on the third lap of the second August Outer Circuit Handicap race on August 7, 1939). But for the intervention of the war, he would surely have taken the lap record.

My close association with the car, both in stages l and II, gave me much pleasure and considerable pride together with many opportunities of enjoying Brooklands at its very best.

J B Emmott

Le Mont-Pelerin, Switzerland