Disappearing Delage


Writing from Zimbabwe, reader Jack W Sanderson would like to know what happened to the DIS Delage tourer (registration DR 3634) he bought for £100 from Bill Breen in 1946 (after it had been used as a tow car by a circus) and which was still in good condition when he sold it to Chris Southall in 1948. He emigrated, and has never seen the Delage since.

The photograph shows Cecil Clutton (for whose 1908 Itala Sanderson acted as “cranker-upper”) using the car to open the Prescott course in 1947, with Bunny Tubbs and Colonel G M Giles of the BOC in the back seat. Bald tyres and no hood were a result of the economy of those clays, but Jack says this was the best of the 26 vintage cars he has owned since 1939. WB