V-to-C Miscellany, July 1986, July 1986


We are deeply saddened to learn of the death. at the age of 82, of Alec Ulmann, in a Long Island hospital Ulmann was a pioneer of sports car racing in North America. founding the 12-hour Sebring Grand Prix of Endurance, and as an engineer and innovator, particularly on the aviation side, he was a valued member of Briggs Cunningham’s Le Mans team. He also founded the Hispano Suiza Society and his controversial attacks on wellknown designers, including W. Bentley, were well known on this side of the Atlantic, as part of his engineering writings in the Bulb Horn. Our condolances go out to his widow, Mary Ulmann, and to his two sons. A memorial gathering will be held during the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance at Monterey on August 24th Just before his death Alec had sold his Hispano Suiza, of Alfonse size but with a rare overhead-camshaft, ball-bearing engine, to Bernard Parris of Tonbridge, Kent.

The 1927 Clyno Royal tourer once owned by W B is now owned by W E Dowsing of Woking and is running well although it had to have a new engine in 1982 and a 1904 Jackson dog-cart has found a new home in Totnes, Devon It is good to hear that in its Octocentenary year the town of Dumfries held a veteran and vintage vehicle rally last May to mark the tenth birthday of the South of Scotland Veteran 8, Vintage VC, at which Arrol-Johnston cars travelled to the old factory at Heathhall where they were once made, meeting some of those who worked on them. The factory is now owned by Uniroyal but some 40 of those who had helped to make Arrol-Johnston cars attended a special presentation there and the cars on the rally inclused Arrol-Johnstons from 1922, a 1923 Galloway coupe and from the Myerton Motor Museum, a 1928 ArrolAster sleeve-valve 17/50 hp saloon, one of only two still in existence belonging to Graeme Menzies of Edinburgh.

This year the always-enjoyable VSCC speed hill-climb at the scarcely changed venue at Shelsley Walsh. near Worcester, takes place on Saturday July 5th.. the 17th of the series, again sponsored by Newton Oils and co-promoted with the Midland AC, which has its sixth round of the Midland Hill Climb Championship on the Sunday.

Although it was stated in last month’s issue that the results of the five-lap handicap races at the VSCC’s first Silverstone Race Meeting of 1986 were given in the list of results at the end of the report, for some reason these were deleted For those who like to keep a record of such things. the winners were C Rides (Riley), 61 21 mph. R 1-1 Drew,. (Riley). 63.27 mph. E T Dunn (Riley). 71 13 mph; A D Dolton (MG), 64.29 mph: The caption to the picture of the Marlborough Grand Sports. on page 645 was intended to point out that the car was photographed in the Brooklands Finishing straight close to where it had been made, and that it bore the same Registration number as the one photographed outside Tommy Hann ‘s Bearninster garage at about the same time. although by then it had been given two aero-screens, suggesting that perhaps it was the only complete car of its kind made by T. B. Andre & Co. Ltd Many students of history will have been pleased that BBC -2 repeated the film of the aviation memories of Lt. Chabot, particularly those shots of him in his twin-cylinder. two-stroke Carden £100 cyclecar of the nineteen-twenties, but some of the figures relating to record-breaking flights were rounded off rather casually; for instance, the 1929 Schnneider Trophy race was won by the Supermarine 06 at 328.63 mph, not 400 mph. However, it was nostalgic stuff and on the same evening an old news-clip showed the Rolls-Royce 40/50 hp tourer and the two Crossley tourers used by the former Prince of Wales during his Tour of Japan in the 1920s.

We have been asked to state by the Elmbridge Borough Council that the -Magic of Brooklands” Rally. scheduled for July 26/2716. will not be taking place on what is known as the -Thirty Acres’ site surrounding the new Brooklands Museum, but access to this area will be granted to members of the Brooktands Society on the occasion of the Reunion at the Track in two days tune, when busses operated by the Cobham bus Museum will provide transport across the old aerodrome to the Museum, which will be open all the morning. Competitors in the sprint event in the afternoon will also be permitted at the end of their runs to circle the restored Club house and Test Hill at reduced speed. Another display of veteran and vintage cats and motorcycles, under cover, will be staged at the Royal Welsh Show at Builth Wells from July 21st to 24th , with a Parade in the Show ring on the Thursday afternoon The County of Salop Steam Engine Society organises one of the finest Traction Engine and Steam-waggon shows in the country, with every conceivable sideshow and a display of veteran and vintage cars. motorcycles and commercial vehicles It takes place this year on August 24th/25th and entry forms are available form Michael Clarke. Ivy Cottage. 47. Welsh Street. Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire. 5Y9 5BS These interested in motorcycles of all ages should note that the 5th Festival of 1,000 Bikes takes place at Brands Hatch on August 17th, sponsored by the VMCC and Shell. – W.B.